Oleg Deripaska lost court to the ex-head VEB.RUSSIAN FEDERATION on $95 million

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The Russian businessman and the oligarch Oleg Deripaska lost in appeal court London to the ex-head VEB.RUSSIAN FEDERATION, to the former deputy minister of finance to Chernukhin Vladimir. About it reports magazine "Forbes". Chernukhin Vladimir in 2017 submitted claim against Oleg Deripaska to the International arbitration court in London, having accused the oligarch of unfriendly absorption Three-mountain Manufactory cotton-mill. Court sided with the claimant and obliged Oleg Deripaska to pay to Chernukhin Vladimir...
Oleg Deripaska
Main activity:Businessman
Chernukhin Vladimir
Danilina Lolita
SC Vnesheconombank
Main activity:Finance
Navio Holdings Ltd