At buildings Presidential Administration there takes place an action with the requirement to hold a full-fledged referendum on amending the Constitution

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In Moscow at buildings Presidential Administration there takes place an action with the requirement to hold a full-fledged referendum on amending the Constitution. About 500 people came to an action among which - representatives of the Left Front, the Moscow Council, Parties Put, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, "Other Russia", the movement "Novorossiya", NPSR, OKP, "Civil solidarity" and other organizations. In an action participated Leonid Mikhaylovich Razvozzhaev, Kvachkov Vladimir, Igor Strelkov, Kalashnikov Maxime and Sergei Udaltsov. People brought addresses and more than an hour was handed over by the requirements in a reception of Presidential Administration. Participants of action reported that...
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.