The review of the Moscow events in mass media for November 22

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22.11.2019 06:00. Agency "Moscow". newspaper "Kommersant". Hope - ours Vladimir Putin zemnoykaky the president saw each other to people in the train and in the Ekaterina's hall of the Kremlin. reference newspaper "Kommersant". Percent as in aptekev to Moscow there were pos-credits for drugs. reference daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". Sent to analysis: whether voditeleydorogy and difficult tests for alcoholism and drug addiction will cancel new system of medical examination should not be mass, experts are sure. reference daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". In buckets: the channel of leaks through "clouds" became twice shirelyuby wishing can already obtain data from 20% of servers in the Network. reference daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". Adults already: idea...