School students Syzran were built in line for autographs to the Hero of Russia Damir Yusupov

@Malen'kaja Syzran'
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Today Hera of Russia Damir Yusupov which name all country learned after crash-landed by it a passenger airliner on August 15 in a corn field Moscow Region, visited two Syzran schools. Since the morning the pilot visited in SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 23 where his sons study: Ilyas and Ismail. School students welcomed Damir Yusupov standing and with an applause. The director of schools, Alevtina Mikhaelovna Merce, told that parents of children often come to educational institution to tell about the professions. But they welcome the guest of such scale for the first time. After speech of the pilot children filled up it with questions...