Rospotrebnazdor declared new methods of treatment of hepatitis B

@Gazeta Kemerova
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Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare declared development new approaches in treatment of chronic hepatitis B. The technique will allow to cure completely an illness without impact on a genome of the person, is spoken on a department site. — Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora developed new approaches for full treatment of chronic hepatitis B on the basis of genomic editing which provides disappearance to 99% of virus particles, but thus does not affect a genome of the person — the head of department Anna Popova reported. According to her, Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare for the first time developed sets of reagents which define stability mutations...
Anna Popova
Last position: Head, Chief state health officer of the Russian Federation (Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare)