Source: the former employee of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation admitted guilt in fraud in the matter of the ex-head of daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"

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Kolbov Aleksey recognized that extorted $1 million in Bitkoin at Galumov Erast Moscow, on November 5. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The former investigator Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Kolbov Aleksey admits guilt in fraud within criminal case about extortion of $1 million in Bitkoin at the ex-head Federal state unitary enterprise publishing house "Izvestiya" Galumov Erast. About it information agency "ITAR-TASS" on Tuesday was reported by a source close to the investigation. 3 Material "During investigative actions Kolbov Aleksey declared that admits guilt only in fraud, denying charge of receiving a bribe. Also he declared to a consequence that one more person involved - investigator Belousov Sergei - knows nothing about the fact...