Yashkin Dimitri: "It is not the passport. I was born Russian and always it I will be where I played"

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The forward of Moscow "Dynamo" Yashkin Dimitri commented on the call in the national team Czech Republic on Evrotur's first stage – "Karyala's" Cup. – Probably, in five years in National Hockey League already forgot, what in the national team can cause on a course of a season? – No, to me our trainer (Rzhiga Milosh – a comment of sports online portal "Sports.ru") came two weeks ago, on a match about TSSKA. We still then talked over. He warned that counts on me. So to a call on Euroround it is not surprised. Foreknew about it. – What relations at you with Rzhiga Milosh? – I was in the spring in the World Cup in its team. So everything is normal. I will try to act now in...