The Belarusian weight-lifter Sharenkov Sergei took the third place on junior ChE in Bucharest

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On October 24, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The Belarusian athlete Sharenkov Sergei (weight category of 89 kg) won a bronze award in the junior championship Europe on weightlifting, which takes place on October 17-27 in Bucharest (Romania), reports the correspondent Belarusian cable agency "Belta". The Belarusian athlete showed result in 346 kg (161%2B185) in the double-event sum (breakthrough and a push) and established a new record Europe among young men till 17 years in breakthrough, a push and a double-event. Gold award of competitions the Armenian athlete won Avagyan Karen (170%2B194). On the second position his team mate Aganyan Ara (162%2B196) settled down...