Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan: great Leo Yashin cannot be forgotten

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Leo Yashin © information agency "RIA Novosti" / Timkiv Vitaly Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan: great Leo Yashin cannot be forgotten Moscow, 22 Oct - information agency "RIA Novosti", Fuks Sergei. Leo Yashin was the great goalkeeper and the great person who cannot be forgotten, the first vice-president RFS Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan declared. On Tuesday veterans and known figures of soccer organized the match dated for birthday Leo Yashin to which 90 years would be executed on October 22. "There is no wish to speak today about Lev Ivanovich in the past tense, as such great goalkeeper and same...
Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan
Main activity:Athlete
Leo Yashin
Timkiv Vitaly
Fuks Sergei
Main activity:Culture and sports