Federal Agency for Fishery summed up the results of crab auctions — among winners the son-in-law of the billionaire Gennady Timchenko and the son of the governor Oleg Kozhemyako

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Federal Agency for Fishery auctions on sale nearly 50% of all quotas for a catch of a crab summed up the results. For only 35 lots the state will gain more than 142 billion rubles. Nearly a third of lots – 10 – structures of the owner of the Russian fishing companies won (RRPK) Franck Gleb. Quotas will manage to companies over 38 billion rubles. Among other winners – "Rising" of the son of the governor Primorsky Territory Oleg Kozhemyako Nikita, "An island crab" where the part controls Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia", and structure which can be connected with GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH". Read more: https://www.newsvl...