Changes are made to the regulations establishing obligatory requirements in the field of the housing relations

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Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" (editions): The federal law No. 1-FZ of 22.01.2019 "About modification of article 171 of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation""; The Federal law No. 116 of Federal Law of 29.05.2019 "About modification of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation""; The Federal law No. 214 of Federal Law of 26.07.2019 "About modification of articles 151 and 162 of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" and article 1 of the Federal law "About protection of the rights and legitimate interests of natural persons at implementation activity on return arrears and about modification of the federal law "About...