Konstantin Bogomolov agreed to become "first lady" for "the president Sobchak"

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The leader of evening show on TV channel "Pervy kanal" Yvan Urgant organized for Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov comic wedding, having called this heading "Let's get married! ". The transfer fragment with participation Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov is published on YouTube. Yvan Urgant "the power given to it by the director of management of an entertaining broadcasting TV channel "Pervy kanal" by Youri Aksyuta", acted as the registrar of marriage of the TV host and the director. At first the host "Evening Urgant" asked at Ksenia Sobchak, whether she in marriage is ready to take Konstantin Bogomolov, "even if it will stop being the art director State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy""...