The unbeaten Russian forced the American to survive with 13 victories in a ring. Capitulation video

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The prospectus of the second average weight (to 76,2 kg) the Russian Vladimir Shishkin (9-0, 6 KO) inflicted early defeat over American Deandre Ueyru (13-2-2, 8 KO). Due to advantage in anthopometry Vladimir Shishkin surely controlled a course of action, increasing a superiority with each subsequent round: held on Jeb, broke protection of the American by the two, fine transferred to the case. From the 3rd round Ueyr was compelled to pass into a survival mode — held the opponent, grabbed hand, tried to hide in a clinch. The quantity of the hard passed blows increased...
Владимир Игоревич Шишкин
Last position: The professional athlete on boxing