In Republic of Khakassia cannot think up a way of fight against wood floating in Yenisei

@Gazeta "Hakasija"
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Decaying trees pollute water, can threaten reliability of work of hydroelectric power station, and are still capable to cause emergence of a large number of malarial mosquitoes. Those who happen on Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, periodically see floating ownerless wood. Its emergence is influenced by an erosion of coast and the areas covered with the wood, at interaction with an ice cover, in the conditions of a vetrovolnovy mode, fluctuation of a water level and lack of a lesosvodka of a bed of a reservoir in spite of the fact that the last point is obligatory at creation of reservoirs and is regulated by the law. In 1985 the wood which has accumulated in a prehydronodal zone became...