The Old Russian Pyatnitsky excavation already brought more than hundred finds and the anniversary birchbark manuscript

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In Staraya Russa archaeological expedition the Novgorod universities proceeds. On social networks Russian Federation and archive science of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "NOVGU", NOVGU, "NOVGORODSKY STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER YAROSLAVA MUDROGO", the archeologist Kolosnitsyn Pawel shares the last finds including the senior teacher of chair of history. It found the 50th anniversary birchbark manuscript on the Pyatnitsky excavation. "18 years I went to it. Them found on other excavations, near me, on an excavation which I directed. And today I at last itself found the birchbark manuscript. Sat down to check at the end of day the washed birch bark from boxes in which put a mass material from squares...
Kolosnitsyn Pawel
Main activity:Science and education