Chopra Priyanka has a rest with the groom on the ranch
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Chopra Priyanka and Dzhonas Nikita this week fully took pleasure in fine types State of Oklahoma. In two photos posted by them in social networks, they appear together with friends. And rest on the ranch, judging by a photo, at couple was successful wonderfully well.

In a picture Chopra Priyanka looks effectively and stylishly, on the actress a striped shirt, camouflage trousers and boots. Dzhonas Nikita sported the moustaches, thus he was in a long camouflage shirt, olive color trousers and boots.

Chopra Priyanka are hidden by

under a hat of a camouflage coloring. On one picture of steam costs near a tractor and Chopra Priyanka embraces Dzhonas Nikita. "Life on the ranch", - it signed a picture.

the Publication from Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) 18 Sep, 2018 in 6:03 PDT

This camouflage prikid arose in the middle of a series of travel which are made by couple. On Saturday they celebrated birthday Dzhonas Nikita to which 26 years were executed, having visited a baseball match in Anaheim, State of California, and on Sunday they visited a football match in Arlington, State of Texas. Also Chopra Priyanka and Dzhonas Nikita met in Dallas his brother Dzhonas Joe. In State of Oklahoma Chopra Priyanka allowed to look in more detail at her stay in the remote place. "Life of the cowboy", - it signed selfi where appeared in a hat with wide fields.

the Publication from Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) 18 Sep, 2018 in 5:30 PDT

In July Chopra Priyanka and Dzhonas Joe became engaged and almost at once began to travel. In August they visited to India where arranged a party in honor of a betrothal with friends and a family.

the Indian actress and the American pop star meet since May of this year, according to the PEOPLE edition, they became engaged in London, and it was special day - Chopra Priyanka then celebrated the 36 anniversary. It is known that the star couple is happy and makes plans for the future.

Summary of Chopra Priyanka Chopra Priyanka

Name: Chopra Priyanka

Birthday: 18.07.1982

Age: is 36 years old

the Birthplace: Jamshedpur, India

Growth: of 175 cm

Weight: of 53 kg

Zodiac sign: Cancer

East horoscope: Dog

Activity: the actress, model