The Yangan-Tau geopark has every chance to be the first Russian geopark accepted in a global network Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures

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Yangan-Tau Geopark has every chance to be the first Russian geopark accepted in a global network Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures by
the Minister of environmental management and ecology of RB Ildar Rimovich Khadyev with representatives JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SANATORIUM "YANGAN-TAU" and JSC Scientific Research Institute BZhD took part in General Conference of a global network of Geoparks which took place in the Dolomites Italy.

participated In conference of about 800 representatives from 38 countries of the world. Republic of Bashkortostan presented Yangan-Tau Geopark which was created in Salavatsky district the republics.

in different parts of the globe successfully functions Today 140 geparok of a global network.

Thanks to the status Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures geopark gets unique possibility of not industrial developments and recognition around the world. From regional becomes the participant of a global network of geoparks of the world. Uniqueness, originality, history, culture, the educational environment, geology, ethnography, archeology, biological diversity of the concrete territory of geopark attracts tourists not only the concrete region or the country, but also the whole world. Win from it, first of all, local population, businessmen of the most different directions, the farmers making environmentally friendly production, improving, educational, tourist services.

the Yangan-Tau Geopark created in 2017 in Salavatsky district successfully passed necessary stages of nominating and has every chance to be the first Russian geopark accepted in a global network Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures. The positive decision is an acceptance its some kind of in Associated members of a global network. The demand and the nomination file of Yangan-Tau geopark are accepted by experts from the first that is unique in itself as in most cases on it leaves on the average, 4-5 years.

the Director of VSEGEI of a name of Karpinsky Petrov Oleg , he is the chairman of the Russian committee on geoparks and geosciences, in the performance at Conference noted that thanking supports of the leadership of Republic of Bashkortostan, Government RB, Ministry of Environmental Management and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Administration of the municipal district Salavatsky of the Republic of Bashkortostan, administrations Sanatoria "Yangan-tau", the Yangan-Tau geopark has the highest chances to become the first Russian Gepark who has received the status Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures.

Also Republic of Bashkortostan received a positive assessment and in performance of doctor Patrick Mac Kiver, the head of the program Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures on geoparks.

All experts especially noted amicable, harmonious team of the republic, work support personally Chapter Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, as the main key to success. The scientific, geological basis of the nomination file is noted by experts, as "faultless".

B Salavatsky district is revealed the whole 3 objects of the world value, one of them, the Mechetlinsky section, the first applying for the status "gold nailing", the standard of a certain period of history of the Globe. In this sense, the geological component of Yangan-Tau geopark appeared for experts the real geological revelation.

as a whole, has Yangan-Tau geopark improving (thanks to the whole complex of factors: to climate, the balneology healthy, environmentally friendly food) and scientifically educational specialization, in too time of very attractive component the original culture, the remained national, historical essence of these places, the numerous museums, old times legends, the homeland of the national hero of Republic of Bashkortostan Salavat Yulayeva is.

Legal confirmation of inclusion of republican object in a global network of geoparks Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures is expected in 2019.