Dzhonas Nikita: birthday with baseball
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On Sunday to Dzhonas Nikita was 26 years. The musician celebrated the birthday, having gone on a baseball match with the bride, the actress Chopra Priyanka, and several friends.


"Fun in birthday", - were written by Chopra Priyanka under the general photo in which she is depicted smiling and clinging to her future spouse, whose new moustaches immediately drew attention of admirers.


, the elder brother Dzhonas Nikita, it is noticed in the photo hiding behind a fan from dollar banknotes. Dzhonas Nikita also laid out a picture of training giving at stadium. "Baseball is abruptly", - Dzhonas Nikita wrote to comments, without having forgotten to thank thus Chopra Priyanka for a successful picture.

After game Dzhonas Nikita arranged to

special show for collecting money in favor of the Strike Out Slavery fund battling to trade by people. After a concert in an official account of fund in Twitter there was a gratitude to Dzhonas Nikita for excellent show. Last year Dzhonas Nikita also won back a concert after a match in favor of the same fund.

According to weekly magazine "Variety", in day of the birth Dzhonas Nikita invited people from studio and producers to read to them "At first a dessert", the first play written to them. In August Dzhonas Nikita and Chopra Priyanka confirmed their engagement, having placed a photo from the party devoted to this event which has taken place in Mumbai.

"Future Mrs. Dzhonas Nikita. My heart. My love", - Dzhonas Nikita under the photo in which Chopra Priyanka looks with love in the face to the groom wrote, having put hands on his breast. "All yours. With heart and soul", - answered it Chopra Priyanka.

the Indian actress and the American pop star meet since May of this year, according to the PEOPLE edition, they became engaged in London when Chopra Priyanka celebrated the 36th birthday. The source close to couple, reported to the edition that they are incredibly happy.

Summary about Chopra Priyanka Chopra Priyanka

the Name: Chopra Priyanka

Birthday: 18.07.1982

Age: is 36 years old

the Birthplace: Jamshedpur, India

Growth: of 175 cm

Weight: of 53 kg

Zodiac sign: Cancer

East horoscope: Dog

Activity: the actress, model