City Court of the Moskovka settlement started considering claims TV channels to LLC "YANDEKS"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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City Court of the Moskovka settlement started process in claims several TV channels which belong JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM-MEDIA HOLDING", to LLC "YANDEKS" because of piracy copies of the series placed in service" LLC "YANDEKS". Video".

In particular, in judicial claims it was noted that search delivery offers LLC "YANDEKS"

of JSC Parnas Media (Super TV channel) and LLC "Telekanal TV3" ask court to oblige the Internet company to stop creation of the specifications providing placement of works belonging to them on a site of the searcher, and also to collect about LLC "YANDEKS" on 10 thousand rubles to each TV channel as compensation for violation of an exclusive right and the state duty in the sum of 400 rubles.

at the end of August City Court of the Moskovka settlement imposed preliminary interim measures concerning LLC "YANDEKS" at the request of THT, TB3, 2kh2 TV channels and "Super" according to which Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications is obliged to stop creation of the specifications providing placement, distribution and other use on of others television works.

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications noted that now there are no bases for restriction of access to service. And LLC "YANDEKS" declared that cleaned from the service a piracy content because of which Moscow City Court according to the decision City Court of the Moskovka settlement was risk of blocking "LLC "YANDEKS". Video".

B JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM-MEDIA HOLDING" explained that holding thus protected the content from illegal placement on service" LLC "YANDEKS". Video".

City Court of the Moskovka settlement imposed preliminary interim measures concerning LLC "YANDEKS" at the request of TV channels

By the way, the Internet company executed the court decision and removed a piracy content, having proved it that service blocking" LLC "YANDEKS". Video" could result in inaccessibility of all searcher.

At the same time in LLC "YANDEKS" are considered by requirements to companies unreasonable and not corresponding to the legislation. Also appealed against this decision, having given to City Court of the Moskovka settlement at once eight complaints (four private complaints and four appeal statements).

But the Appeal instance refused to

. Consideration of claims is in essence appointed TV to September 27.

to "Yandex"

LLC "YANDEKS" submitted the petition to City Court of the Moskovka settlement with a request to attract Group and Rutube as the third parties for Gazprom media TV channels JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM-MEDIA HOLDING" about a piracy. LLC "YANDEKS" also was asked by court to carry out technical expertize on claim claims.

"The expert opinion will help court to understand the difficult technical details explaining the principle of work of search in video and impossibility of execution of requirements imposed to us", - the representative of the Internet company Grabovsky Ilya explained to the correspondent of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta".

He specified that except and Rutube the company intends to involve in trial and other sites, whose interests were infringed in this process. He added that company works over strengthening of fight against a piracy in a network and soon will show the practices.