The youngest applicant for a place of chapter Shpakovsky district Stavropol Territory became Kurilenko Alexander

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17 September documents acceptance for participation in competition on replacement of chapter Shpakovsky district Stavropol Territory comes to the end. The documents in competitive to the commission were handed over by 27-year-old Kurilenko Alexander, having become the youngest candidate for the specified post. RGPOO SK "NASHA INITSIATIVA" today.

"I count

that work of a contest committee will be honest, open, and the decision which will be made by deputies, will correspond to expectations of their voters, instead of political installations. The area difficult, with the problems, however it has the potential which needs to be realized more actively", - Kurilenko Alexander commented.

Kurilenko Alexander has two highest educations.

From September, 2009 to October, 2011 worked as the teacher of additional educations in the Stavropol Palace of children's creativity.

From January, 2012 to September, 2016 was the deputy of Stavropol City Council.

From December, 2016 to May, 2018 Kurilenko Alexander held a position of the deputy of chapter of Administration of the municipal district Shpakovsk of the Stavropol Territory.


Now is engaged in political and scientific activity.