In the capital Udmurt Republic approved the site planning of part of Kalashnikov Avenue

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: Information agency "Susanin"

of the Deputy of chapter Izhevsk Zadorozhny Sergei signed the corresponding order dated on September 12, 2018.

Izhevsk. Udmurt Republic. The acting as chapter Izhevsk Zadorozhny Sergei signed the order about the approval of the site planning of part of Kalashnikov Avenue. The relevant document which is dated on September 12 this year, published on the website of the capital Udmurt Republic.

the Beginning of a site corresponds to the intersection of streets of 40 years of the Victory and Kalashnikov Avenue, the end - settles down on Kalashnikov Avenue and Soyuznaya Street crossing. Extent of a zone makes 2,2 km, width in red points of 80 meters.


it is on hand told that the considered territory is included to two areas Izhevsk: Ustinovsky and Industrial. On it settle down including a site of the gardening East-3 array, also the water preserving zones of the rivers of Karlutk and Chemoshurk partially get to borders of a projected zone.

the Total area of the territory is equal to

of 25,4 hectares.

"This project is developed by

for the purpose of realization of the first stage of construction linear object "M. T. Kalashnikov Avenue from 40 let Pobedy Street to Soyuznaya Street", - is spoken in the document.

the Site planning provide two adjunctions, 21 congresses, the central dividing strip with tram ways and stops on it, allocated strip for movement public transports, parking on 351 car and installation of traffic lights.

we Will note

that raznourovnevy outcomes, overpasses and platforms are not provided by the project.

on July 23 "Susanin" in the press service of Municipal unitary enterprise "IzhGET" Izhevsk was told that tram ways on the prospectus can appear by 2020.

"Probably, these dates somehow will correct. Because 2019 is that was sounded by the city when with Kalashnikov Avenue we had a history therefore we yet do not know about new terms. 2019 remained", - commented in the press service.

B 2017 on Kalashnikov Avenue it was planned to build the six-band highway, multi-level interchanges. The general extent of new roads would make 5,3 km. However the administration Izhevsk terminated contract with the designer "Avtodormostproyekt". Criminal case on the cohabitant of the daughter of the former head Udmurt Republic on cartel arrangement in carrying out auctions on design was started .

In September, 2018 court solved

to return business the deputy of Municipal duma Izhevsk Zakhar Milostivenko to the prosecutor.

Zakhar Milostivenko
Last position: Deputy of the sixth convocation (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Zadorozhny Sergei