"Competing in speed with happiness": 10 special children from Kazan received special bicycles

@Biznes Online
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10 Kazan children with limited opportunities of health became today owners of specialized bicycles. Solemn transfer of unusual vehicles took place in the Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky wood. Action was dated for autumn cycle running "Competing in speed with happiness" which number of participants increases from year to year.

As the director of BF "ALPARI" noted Gilyazeva Natalia , wards of fund are in great need in velosimulators for rehabilitation of children. "We collected lists of those for whom they are necessary, and now gradually we achieve dream of children to movement. But we give them not simply velosimulators, and bicycles which can be transformed to velosimulators. It will be possible to use them at any time years" — told Gilyazeva Natalia. Special tricycles have the strengthened metal design and allow to fix reliably hands, feet and a back to avoid falling.

the Number of participants of cycle running constantly grows. For example, on today's arrival for participation in competition 96 participants — 30 people more, than last year were registered. Children of different age, beginning of three years, overcame a distance of 250 meters. But, as organizers, for children with serious diseases and problems with coordination of movements even noted such distance — this already big overcoming of. For the first time cycle arrival for special children carried out in the fall of 2017. Then 28 people took part in it. In May, 2018 the number of participants made already 66 people.

Besides a ceremony and the running for participants organized the concert program from pupils of boarding schools Sovetsky rayon Kazan and winners of festivals for children with limited physical capacities "Will join hands, friends! ".


Organizers of a sports event acted BF "ALPARI" together with Municipal state institution "Administration Sovetskoe district executive committee munitsipalnogo obrazovaniya goroda Kazan" and Negonki cycling club with support of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Dobraya Kazan.