As Sobyanin dishonored "Tower"

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Why in strategy of spatial developments while is not present space

"Moscow — the only subject Russian Federation which has no strategy of social and economic developments. The project is, but it is not approved. Why? " — the student Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" or as still speak, "Towers" asked a question Sobyanin S.. There was it at only just ended Moscow financial forum.

"I do not know that the most important: to have strategy or to have development. We tried to develop strategy with Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki". Perhaps therefore there so feel nostalgic. At us it turned out nothing. The city developed quicker, than strategy was developed. Any document, multivolume, with the seals, becomes outdated quicker, than it is written" — Sobyanin S. answered.

It is blow for "Tower", for which about what REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" wrote more than once, collateral extra earnings in the form of any writing of strategy, concepts, doctrines, plans, programs — highly profitable earnings. Not each governor or the mayor, so directly as it was made by Sobyanin S., will tell all over the country: experts in Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" yet the pro, do not understand real practice and specifics of the Russian space. Therefore in their services there is no need.


the correspondence polemic between Sobyanin S. and Matvienko V., diametrically sharing their views on an essence and the maintenance of a presidential initiative about need of creation of strategy of spatial developments the countries.

the Mayor Moscow — the supporter of a turn of infrastructure developments the countries towards agglomerations that, in his opinion, corresponds to world tendencies.

the Speaker Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is concerned, as though interests of inhabitants of villages and the small cities were not fundamentally infringed in this process.

the Answer to these expectations strategy of spatial developments would have to give to

Russian Federation. Its presentation took place within the Moscow financial forum, on which Sobyanin S. also estimated a priori a role of texts of any strategy in practical life and dishonored "Tower".

the Main speaker, the deputy minister of economic developments came only to the discussion end therefore nothing prevented participants to scarify the main ideas of the project of strategy.

For organizers of discussion "Mechanisms of realization of Strategy of spatial developments Russian Federation taking into account the national purposes and strategic problems of developments" it became surprise.

They counted that the strategy concept — business solved. It had to differ nothing from how it was predicted in the resolution Government of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2015 No. 870 " About the contents, structure, an order of development and adoptions of strategy of spatial developments, and also about a procedure monitorings and controls its realization ".

Needed to resolve only an issue of how to provide the differentiated approach to the directions and measures of the state support of social and economic developments various types of territories taking into account features of systems of moving, transport availability, development loudspeakers economy, other factors of spatial developments.

How to coordinate priorities of spatial developments and investment policy? What financial mechanisms can be applicable for realization of a comprehensive plan of developments the main infrastructure? How to use "the spatial filter" for increase of efficiency of the state and private investments? What prospects of functioning of particular treatments business activity?

Turned out differently.

the Director general the Center of strategic development, the created Kudrin A. (TsSR), declared about the main economic ideas of strategy — need to align by 2035 spatial development round five "the global cities": Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk. What is the global city? It is university, noticeable in global ratings. It is an aviahub with a passenger traffic in 20 million people a year, with the airline. It is a train of the international events. Not one event in five years, and every year, constantly, one behind one occurs the international event. There headquarters of the global companies. 10 tourists are the share of each resident, from them — a third foreign. These cities have to extend the energy to all surrounding regions.

Some mansion in the strategy project, according to TsSR, remain oil-extracting regions and the regions having a geostrategic importance (Arctic, Far East).

according to Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, in itself designation in strategy of spatial developments as future points of growth is not enough (SPR) of five or twenty cities. Today while national projects and SPR are not joined in any way among themselves. Strategy — in itself, and national projects — in itself. National projects have no spatial measurement.

there is no answer to a question of, whether the tax income will be withdrawn from the leading cities. If are withdrawn, the incentive to further development will be lost, but also to help lagging behind too it will not be possible.

Agglomerative approach is very put by

from the administrative point of view. It is necessary to balance interests of a set of municipalities with their powers. We can rest against a problem of a rationality of present administrative-territorial division.

I, at last, a problem not in making five or twenty cities growth points, and in how to connect them among themselves. It is a task effective transport infrastructures.

Absolute — on the importance — the lever for spatial development Russian Federation is its transport framework, transport infrastructure on which more than six trillion rubles will leave.

Quality of an urban environment and housing — important factors, but are much less significant in comparison with a transport question. On transport there is a large number of unrealized projects which were saved by tens years, reported Mikhail Dmitriev, in the last deputy minister of economic developments, and now — the president of HP "NER". However powerful economic effect on this direction, its emergence, goes beyond 2025. Calculation procedures while are not present. A lot of things become on a knee and blindly. The Ministry of Economic Development were published only just on the website by the project of a method of calculation of transport effects, but with essential defects.


in debatable fire added Andrei Klepach , the deputy chairman of board Vneshekonombank. It uttered: there is a strategy of spatial developments, and the space is not present. There are cities, and the space is not present. Spatial development is not space of developments the cities or agglomerations. Let's remember Lomonosov M.: the wealth Russian Federation will grow Siberia and Ledovity ocean. So, from the point of view of strategy, wealth Russian Federation will grow further Siberia? While all exactly the opposite. From ninetieth year on the population, and gross domestic product of Siberia falls. That model of economic developments which we have, conducts to superconcentration of the population, money, projects in very limited circle of agglomerations, and all deep Russian Federation falls.

Andrei Klepach at the same time is also the chief economist of Vneshekonombank. And from it less all could be expected experiences on the fact that it is necessary to think of people who do not want and will not want to move from the hometown, because besides the nature, graves of ancestors and so on it still such society which should be protected in every way. It is necessary to us, he that people lived not in five or forty cities, and entirely on Russian Federation considers. Five — forty cities — are very expensive environment, high capital investments, are expensive. There it is simpler to create high-quality education, though Cambridge, and Oxford — they not in London.

as a result participants of discussion asked

a question: whether and it is necessary in general in strategy of spatial developments to display the cities as points of the advancing growth? The answer was unexpected: and for what? What practical and administrative sense in it? Otherwise strategy will be not the managerial document, and scientific work. For example, the macroregion why is declared? What from this follows?

the Phrase of "growth point" turned into a cliche. And, "appointing" growth points, we all pull down at once.

I here the deputy minister of economic developments Russian Federation Zhivulin V. also came. He started speaking about huge complexity of work on strategy. Now the project appeared. It contains concepts of large and largest agglomerations, regions of a geostrategic importance, federal and regional perspective points of growth. The different tool kit of developments, a special set of decisions on development communications in large and largest agglomerations, in help to the small and average cities is provided for different territories.

Far East hectare
Shilov Yvan © information agency "REGNUM"
Far East hectare

the Moderator interrupted with

That in the dry rest? From discussion — anything as it did not turn out.

From the strategy project?

I Hope that all disputes still ahead.

Here should not hurry not to repeat unsuccessful destiny of all her predecessors, doctrines and concepts of territorial or regional developments, created, since 1990th years.


As, however, and destiny Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation which that was created, it was disbanded.

to Trace destiny of strategy of spatial developments Russian Federation it is necessary not to repeat a method of "unpromising villages".

In the sixties made last century the simple decision on development new schemes of regional and intraeconomic plannings in rural areas.

to create the agrotowns, all village divided depending on the number of inhabitants: 1−1,5 thousand — are one type and the others — unpromising. Also consolidation, resettlement and reduction of villages and villages began. It was planned to reduce number of rural settlements from 705 thousand to 115 thousand

the Village opustynelo because instead of removing into the new "perspective" country, people began to move to the cities in large quantities. The problem of agricultural shots to such an extent became aggravated that the state became active to develop a grass-roots movement with an appeal "Youth — on the village! ".

1980 division of villages into the perspective and unpromising is cancelled by

B, but the river back will not turn. Degradation of the village did not manage to be stopped.

Then the voice against forcible approach was raised by writers V. Rasputin, F. Abramov, V. Belov. Now such writers are not present.

Means, publicists-analysts are obliged to watch closely especially governmental innovations on territorially alteration of the country that agglomerative approach did not repeat a bitter experiment of agrotowns and unpromising villages. It cannot be repeated. Otherwise — wanted as better, and it will turn out, as always.