Gratitude to the deputy

@Kurganskaja oblastnaja Duma
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last year thanks to the project of "United Russia" Party "Urban environment" in the house yard on Molodezhnaya St., 6 Kataysk was equipped with br a children's playground.

the Whole year children with pleasure shook on a swing, rode a hill, played soccer. However after some time the grid protecting a football field, became useless, and residents of the house sounded the alarm – it is necessary to restore it, differently all efforts will be vain.

the Sum on the protection restoration, made according to the estimate, for inhabitants was very heavy, and they addressed to the deputy of Regional duma of Kurgan to Andrey Nikolaevich Polovinkin. That, in turn, contacted deputies of City Council with the offer to make changes to the city budget and to allocate funds for a new protection of the sports ground.
as a result of means in the city budget were found, and workers literally in two days restored the broken obstacle. Now on a platform children's voices sound again, children with pleasure kick a ball, without being afraid that it can take off out of limits of a football field.

Inhabitants of the house heartily thank the deputy of Regional duma of Kurgan Andrey Nikolaevich Polovinkin who visits nearly an every evening their yard, watches a condition of the equipment and communicates with people.

Andrey Nikolaevich Polovinkin
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee under the budget, a financial and tax policy, the member of the committee on social policy, the member of credentials committee (Regional duma of Kurgan)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism