Combatants protect polling stations in Lipetsk
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of Two deputies of city council choose in the regional center


Exactly in eight mornings in the regional center polling stations opened. On them pass by-election of two deputies in Lipetsky raion city council deputies. One vacant place in municipal parliament appeared in the district No. 6 in the settlement of Tractor-builders after death director generals LLC repair and construction administration "Termostroy", the deputy Vladimir Skuridin. The second vacancy was formed in the district No. 17 in the 16th residential district and the settlement the Wild ambassador of early addition of deputy powers by general director who was under examination Lipetsk mortgage corporation Valery Klevtsov.


electoral registers in two city districts included 23 thousand residents of Lipetsk.

information and reference media portal "LipetskMedia" visited the settlement of Tractor-builders. Here on Ruben Ibarruri Street at Secondary school No. 62 two polling stations opened at once. To ten mornings about 200 people voted. According to chairmen of precinct election commissions, the main flow of voters is expected in the second half of day.

It is remarkable that this year together with police officers polling stations are protected by national combatants.

- I work as the teacher at school No. 29 and the second year I am the national combatant. I consider work on maintenance of a law and order a civic duty. My father was the member of DND in Soviet period. Now and I actively help police, - the member of a voluntary national team Rogov Victor shared from information and reference media portal "LipetskMedia".

On Sunday, September 9, by-election in local Councils also takes place in two districts Lipetsk Region - the cities Yelets and Dirt.

Vladimir Skuridin
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of the constant commission on economic and industrial policy, development of small and average business, member of the constant commission on social problems, health care and ecology
Valery Klevtsov
Last position: CEO (JSC "LIK")
Rogov Victor