Sing, dance in Ilyinskom with all the heart

@Gorodetskij vestnik
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in the middle of August passed Day of the settlement Ilyinsky. Entertainments, exhibitions, competitions, dances, and the most important – feeling of unity with the fellows villager and love to the native settlement. For ilyinets is a long-awaited pleasure which stretches not for an hour and not two, and for the whole day.

Only cultural workers know

, how many forces it is worth organizing such holiday. All preparation laid down on brittle shoulders of our young beautiful odnoselchanka of Molyanova Ye. L. who only in the middle of June became the manager. recreation center sector "Zarechny". The group of active inhabitants of the settlement rendered the feasible help. Separately Stroganov L. P., directors of DTs "Meteor", and the talented collective entrusted to it which helped to arrange a cheerful and interesting holiday.

Already from 8 o'clock at a recreation center "Zarechny" music was audible. Sellers of shish kebabs kindled the braziers, tents with popcorn, cotton candy and different toys were arranged from which children were simple be not to torn off. Nearby attractions worked.

the exhibition tasting of various food "Titbit" – baking, "Ah, this miracle – summer gifts" – vegetables and exhibition bouquets "Buttercups florets" opened Before noon.


Very much interested inhabitants of the settlement exhibition children's drawing, an exposition of photos "As We Were Young", "You remember with what everything began? " Old residents were struck with the seen pictures local photographers Nina Vasilkova.

In the recreation center foyer "Zarechny" "Ilyinsky Tretyakov gallery" opened, here it was possible to look at works of local artists. Passed a master class on production of dolls from woolen threads.

Earlier people from the next villages gathered for a holiday at first in one village, the next week – to another and so went in turn. And at us in July passed a settlement holiday in Nicolo Country churchyard, and now in Ilyinskom. This year there were many guests from nearby villages and visitors from the city who did not forget the cheerful rural childhood.

the Holiday in the settlement gained strength. Passed a historical quest "Link of times". Folk tunes of accordion players "Began to sound play, an accordion favourite! ", and courageous participants of a holiday approached to a free microphone under fervent sounds of an accordion and executed ringing chastushkas.

In parallel for children there passed the interactive program "Cheerful Universe", there was a lot of laughter and pleasures when children won candies.


a holiday without competitions! The game program for married couples which competed was very interesting, amusing public.

the concert "Began

sing and dance in Ilyinskom with all the heart". The bell ringing was carried on all settlement. Actors read patriotic verses and the settlement anthem Ilyinsky was executed. Come to a holiday met a magnificent, tasty loaf. To congratulate inhabitants and guests on a holiday to a microphone there were the head of Nicolo-Pogostinsky rural administration Oleg Nikolaevich Kuznetsov, the prior of the temple in honor of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God Andrey (Kochetov), the assistant to the deputy Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region Aleksey Timofeev Fedoseev M. V., the deputy director on leisure of DTs "Meteor" Panchina Yu. V., the manager. recreation center sector "Zarechny" Molyanova Ye. L., president of "Revival of Shrines of the Earth Nizhny Novgorod" fund Yermilov N. B..

Very highly topical and various program were prepared by the invited and local actors. Between numbers solemnly awarded the caused a stir ilyinets. Congratulated heroes of the anniversary of the settlement, the spouses noting this year round dates of their marriages.

the Culmination of a cheerful holiday became an incendiary disco "Windfall". Until late at night music sounded, sang songs and chastushkas, sincerely communicated. The holiday was successful!

Moshkin N.

Nina Vasilkova
Main activity:Official
Oleg Nikolaevich Kuznetsov
Last position: Deputy (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)
Aleksey Timofeev
Last position: Head of the St. Petersburg regional organization "Party of Pensioners"
Molyanova Ye. L.
Stroganov L. P.