The Kamchatka minister was impressed by a photoseparator at the bottom of a field

@IA "Kam 24"
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by words Alexander Aleksandrovich Kucherenko, such equipment clears grain directly in the field. And it not the only thing that interested the minister at exhibition in Primorsky Territory.

the Minister of Agriculture, food and processing industry Kamchatka Territory Alexander Aleksandrovich Kucherenko visited a forum "Far East day of a field – 2018". It passed in the settlement of Timiryazevsk in Ussuriysk the city district. Exhibition occupied 200 hectares on a platform of Seaside NIISH.

"It is the largest in Far East an exhibition demonstration of the advanced technologies in agricultural production, modern domestic and foreign specialized cars and the equipment. For example, the photoseparator clears grain directly in the field. Also showed innovative methods of land use and phytosanitary protection of plants, agronomists submitted checks with rice, the sites sowed by hybrid grades of corn, soy, annual herbs. Did not remain unaddressed and animal husbandry – breeding animals, the equipment, a stern and additives" were presented, – told Alexander Aleksandrovich Kucherenko.

by data Ministry Selskoye farms, food and processing industry Kamchatka territory, took part in actions of Far East day of a field of about 450 representatives of regions Far Eastern Federal District and Asian and Pacific Rim – China, South Korea, Japan.