The death toll as a result of an earthquake to Prefecture of Hokkaido increased to nine people

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in the north Japan occurred Early in the morning tremors measuring up to 6,7 points

the Author of a photo: EPA

the Powerful earthquake measuring 6,7 points on the northern Japanese island Prefecture of Hokkaido provoked huge landslides which fell upon houses this morning. As a result of incident, at least, nine people were lost, about three hundred more – got wounds, reports EHB.<"19>" to

as a result of the earthquake which has occurred in 3:08 nights, almost in three million houses in northern prefecture light disappeared. Later in some areas Prefecture of Hokkaido the electric power was restored.

the Meteorological agency reported that a number of small pushes, including one measuring 5,4, followed the first earthquake. the Representative of agency Tosiyuki Matsumori on last press conferences warned inhabitants about possibility of repetition of pushes in the next week.

according to police, rescuers and the local authorities, about 30 people at the moment are reported missing. About 1900 citizens are placed in more than 400 centers of evacuation. About 25 thousand people take part in search operations and assistance to victims, the press service reports Regionalnoye government.

As are transferred by NHK corporation, on local nuclear power plant Tomari in last day were compelled used reserve system on cooling support to avoid accident.

the Japanese meteorological agency (JMA) reported that the earthquake did not lead to tsunami formation. In geological service of United States of America confirmed that pushes occurred in 68 km to the southeast from Sapporo, the capitals Prefecture of Hokkaido.

the Earthquake destroyed roads and some houses. As transfers NHK, in some areas Prefecture of Hokkaido was suspended movement of high-speed trains. At plant of Mitsubishi Steel Mfg Co in the city Muroran occurred ignition which soon managed to be neutralized. The majority of educational institutions in the region is closed.

the Prime minister Shinzo Abe , arrived to work in the sixth o'clock in the morning, told to journalists that the government created the command center for assistance to victims.

To Japan, located in the Volcanic ring of the Pacific Ocean, there are about 20% of earthquakes measuring from 6 points in the world. On March 11, 2011 in the country there was an earthquake measuring 9,0 points, the most powerful of ever registered in Japan. Tremors caused a series of large tsunami as a result of which more than 20 thousand people were lost.