The Moscow association of residents of Rostov congratulated inhabitants of Don on Day of the fellow countryman and day of educations Rostov Region

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to inhabitants of the region arrived the congratulatory telegram of the chairman of the board of REGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENTS OF ROSTOV "DONSKAYA STANITSA" Lipovoy Sergei in connection with the coming 81 anniversary Rostov Region and Day of the fellow countryman.


In particular, in the telegram it is spoken: "Prompt growth of industrial productions, unknown achievements in agriculture, dynamic development the social sphere – all this thanks to huge work of inhabitants of Don. We are proud of that to inhabitants Rostov Region is possible to realize the most ambitious tasks, and with confidence we look forward".

On behalf of an association Lipovoy Sergei wished

to all inhabitants of the Don edge of progress in implementation of the drawn-up plans, a good health, the world and good.

we Will remind

, the association of residents of Rostov in Moscow was created at the end of December, 1996. The people who were born enter it, grown or directly related to Rostov Region and living in Moscow.

Day of fellow countrymen of Don was founded by

at the initiative of the governor Rostov Region Vasily Golubev and it is noted since 2016.

Management of information policy of Government of Rostov region

Karzaev Dimitri , employee of management,
ph.: (863) 240-50-27