Gift by the beginning of academic year

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Gift by the beginning of academic year
Gift by the beginning of academic year

The festive event devoted to Knowledge Day, took place at Verkhnetechensky high school of a name of the Hero of the USSR Shumilov M. S.. Academic year here started for 96 pupils, but 16 first graders, and also future graduates — 8 ninth-graders and 6 pupils of the eleventh class became the main heroes of a holiday.

By new academic year children of this school received a remarkable gift – capitally repaired gym. Works are carried out within implementation of the Children's Sports project of "United Russia" Party.

For a holiday arrived to school the deputy of Regional duma of Kurgan Andrey Nikolaevich Polovinkin, Chapter Kataysk district Malyshev Youri, and the chairman Regional committee on physical culture and sport Kashin Andrey.

Kashin Andrey Polovinnkin noted that today development the educational sphere is a priority state task. Government of Kurgan region, Regional duma of Kurgan make many efforts in order that the trans-Ural school students and students got a high-quality education, could open the abilities and talents fully. In new academic year in Zauralye additional measures of support of teachers that teachers had worthy conditions for work and life will work.

Guests wished to teachers of an embodiment of creative plans and satisfactions progress of pupils, to children - persistence in acquisition of new knowledge and skills, to parents – patience, understanding and execution of all treasured desires. In addition to the updated sports hall children got football, volleyball, basketball balls.

Andrey Nikolaevich Polovinkin
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee under the budget, a financial and tax policy, the member of the committee on social policy, the member of credentials committee (Regional duma of Kurgan)
Shumilov M. S.
Malyshev Youri
Kashin Andrey