Maltese university starts scholarship blokcheyn-fund of €300 000 in size

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The Maltese university starts scholarship blokcheyn-fund of €300 000 in size

the Next innovation, this time in educational sector, strengthens a position Malta as the leader of the industry Technologies blokcheyna and Cryptocurrency.

Maltese university and Agency of information technologies Malta signed the agreement on fund creation of €300 000 for the students, wishing to continue study in the directions Technologies blokcheyna and Technologies blokcheyna forthcoming academic year. The fund will be available to the students specializing in area of information and computer technologies, the right, finance and engineering.

the Scholarship fund will be divided by

for three academic years. The students beginning study forthcoming academic year, can use a grant for writing of master's theses and the doctoral dissertations connected with Technologies blokcheyna and DLT.

the Courses directly connected with DLT and having of not less than 30 credits ETCS (The European system of translated test units), will be completely paid by fund.

Shembri Silvio (Silvio Schembri), the junior minister digital economy, told that creation of scholarship fund promotes involvement of the blokcheyn-companies to Malta and provides availability of necessary shots at local level. He declared:

"These companies need technical resources both for creation, and for use of technologies. Besides, experts in the field of financial services, the rights and managements are necessary to them. We look forward that the first Maltese held these important and well paid positions. We also hope that companies will extend considerably in the future as the industry on Malta continues to grow".

the Rector of university Vella Alfred (Alfred Vella) added that the university will continue revision of master programs in the field of the right, finance, ICT and other directions, for the purpose of introduction of the subjects relating to DLT, Technologies blokcheyna, to Cryptocurrency, Artificial intelligence, fintekhu and to regulation Technologies blokcheyna.

by words Vella Alfred, the research objective consists in that educational programs answered government strategy on transformation Malta to the blokcheyn-island. Therefore establishment with impatience expects results of this internal research to designate a way of developments in fast-growing sector.

the Executive chairman of MITA of Tony Sultan (Tony Sultana) added that the agency participates in similar initiatives with other educational institutions and provides trainings for the staff of public sector to acquaint them with technologies.

the Agency also becomes the main IT partner for Delta Summit - the large event devoted by Technologies blokcheyna and digital innovations which will be held on Malta in October. Now Financial management Malta (MFSA) conducts courses for financial institutions that they could realize provisions of the Law on virtual financial assets which was submitted earlier this year.

In July the Parliament Malta approved by

three bills, providing legal definiteness in cryptocurrency branch. On July 4 laws were adopted in the last reading.

Shembri Silvio
Vella Alfred
Maltiysky university
Main activity:Science and education