JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTP BANK" spent summer a family sports contest
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on August 25 passion and fun reigned in the sports complex "Salute Geraklion". Last Saturday of August employees of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTP BANK" and members of their families showed that means to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. It turned out on a substantial scale!

Weather had a kind feeling to athletes and fans: morning was given solar and very warm. And the mood at arriving to stadium was raised. "If the rain also begins, right after our holiday" — guests joked. On an entrance to everyone the bracelet with number was given — at the end of action he participated in draw of prizes.


Start a sports contest was given by the president of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTP BANK" Chizhevsky Ilya. In the greeting he wished to colleagues to spend this fine day with the maximum advantage as a hobby and bodies. "Also we do not forget about observance of rules of a fair play — we achieve superiority correctly, respecting rivals and judges! " — the head of the credit organization called.

Ilya Chizhevsky
Chizhevsky Ilya

What only competitions were not provided by

played banks mini-soccer, streetball, table tennis and volleyball, made runnings and participated in family relay. Generally, reasons for compensation of a hypodynamia was though take away. There was a place and for intellectual duels — fans of chess too could prove.

Sazonov Maxime we found

of the Chief specialist of department of network providing and a telephony at a tennis table. "Our today's tests still ahead, we with the colleague while warm up — he explained. — But tension in muscles already decent, pleasure from process is felt, the competitive spirit is present. Good beginning! "

Maxim Sazonov
Sazonov Maxime

the Area manager of crediting small businesses Kholosha Igor practised in sports firing from an arbalest. "Pems! " — the bowstring in his hands playfully told. "Ou! " — the target answered. It appeared that the arrow got precisely into the purpose. "Wow! " — we struck with result exclaimed. "Itself did not expect from itself such accuracy — admitted Kholosha Igor. — The first time from this equipment, earlier — only from a gun" shot.

Sergey Bobryshev, Igor Holosha
Bobryshev Sergei, Kholosha Igor

A still we got acquainted with the person who, apparently, is born for conquest of racetracks. The presents — that are marked at stadiums, instead of houses are equipped. Veremeev Dimitri from the Volgograd branch of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OTP BANK" is engaged in run from 12 years. Sports for it — an integral part of life. Not incidentally the team with its participation won a victory in relay, and it won first place in individual running on 5000 meters. Dmitry Veremeev

"With Veremeev Dimitri you will not fool around

Dmitry Veremeev
Veremeev Dimitri told us. — Shortly before competitions we met it in Volgograd to be trained. He decided to show me a reverse side of Mamayev Kurgan, and these two hours of jog became one of the most heartrending experiences in my life. But thanks to them I improved sports indicators. Now I run better, and I feel in general remarkably".

Having communicated with the bank athlete, we found out that his following sports purpose — passing of a distance of Ironman. "Sooner or later all runners start participating in competitions in a thriathlon" — Veremeev Dimitri explained.

Many employees banks tried the forces in the different disciplines which are sometimes even very far from each other. So, Trufanov Eugenie from Omsk branch at first won tournament on chess, and then dexterously returned balls as a part of one of volleyball teams. He told us that arrived to Moscow for the sake of a sports contest, but at the same time and prolonged to itself summer: in Omsk the fall already comes into the own.

At the left — Evgeny Trufanov
At the left — Trufanov Eugenie

Volleyball matches could be characterized

two words: movement and unification. On both sides of a grid unity of players was felt — each team furiously protected the half of a field.

In Saturday "ZOZh-menu" appeared

also Hopscotch, a tic-tac-toe, jumps with a jump rope — all those hobbies which are so well familiar since a school time. They were united in a quest under the name "Big change".

B special family competition competed teams from three people — mother, the father and the child. They were faced by simple tasks which nevertheless demanded skill, and the main thing — gave joyful emotions and to players, and the audience. It was amusing to observe how mother overcomes a distance in huge boots gait of the woodcutter, the father conducts a tennis ball a hockey stick, and their child skips on a ball jumper.

the Sports contest came to the end with the promised lottery and rewarding of winners.

Ilya Petrovich Chizhevsky
Last position: President (JSC OTP Bank)
Sazonov Maxime
Kholosha Igor
Bobryshev Sergei
Veremeev Dimitri
Main activity:Finance