Shibarshin Eugenie: System patron

@Nasha gazeta
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Sensational criminal cases concerning the high-ranking Kazakhstan officials had to become an inoculation for persons with the weakened anti-corruption immunity. It did not turn out.

This time on suspicion in receiving a bribe in 10 million tenges arrested the former responsible secretary the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RK Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev. In this history are mixed still the director of Management on Construction a Dipgorodka LLP Nurekenov Bayzhan and other officials of the ministry. the Vice-chairman of Agency on affairs of civil servants and to counteraction corruptions Bektenov Olzhas reported to details of this business at meeting on discussion of corruption risks in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

- At search at Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev withdrew $1,5 million, at Nurekenov Bayzhan – $200 000. Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev is accused of receiving on a system basis of bribes from subordinates for protection on service, and the others are attracted for receiving over 28 million tenges of illegal remunerations from the businessmen rendering services on organization of events.

According to the investigators, not without participation of the ex-executive secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid also actually outstanding works on capital repairs buildings of embassy of RK in Uzbekistan. The damage about 70 million tenges is caused to the state. 9,8 million more tenges stole from budgets as a result of lobbying by Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev interests of the nephew. To its firm in violation of the legislation on government purchases granted the right to make out tickets in business trips abroad of civil servants on what it received the overestimated commission charges.

How brought charge is true, will define court for now reaction of leading staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very curious.

- We very seldom directly face money and any corruption factors, - the chairman of Committee of the international information RK Zhumagulov Talgat declared . - And when we face, we mean not only our patriotism, but also continuous checks. We have a service internal audits which constantly checks us. We are checked by Calculating committee, including foreign institutions. We always on a look. Appending the signature under paper, we know that tomorrow will come to check. Therefore we try to conform to all standards and requirements.

it is possible, all indeed. But when you learn that the person who is appointed by the Decree of the President of RK, is suspected of receiving bribes from subordinates "for protection on service", patriotism of these subordinates start doubting strongly. As well as as checks of services internal audits and Calculating committee. whether

promotion of all staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is more productive to analyse

? Probably, Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev not incidentally patronized on the basis of mutual services. In any case his personal diplomatic career causes questions. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came in 1992, in a year after the termination of faculty of law of KAZGU. Then worked in embassy Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the ambassador to Czech Republic and Slovakia, and from the 2014th on May 2018 – the executive secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Though profile education received only on diplomatic courses to Germany and, judging by the personal reference, does not know any foreign language. Obviously, and to it someone patronized.

Anarbek Bakhtygazovich Karashev
Main activity:Official
Shibarshin Eugenie
Nurekenov Bayzhan
Bektenov Olzhas
Zhumagulov Talgat