Kazakhstan can become the center of modern calculations

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Kazakhstan can become the center of modern calculations

the Representative delegation Kazakhstan visited Sweden with the purpose to adopt the international experience of developments economy in the field of new computing technologies, including the industries of data-centers and electric power realization to the international clients. As a part of delegation there were representatives of National Association of development Technologies blokcheyna and cryptotechnologies of Kazakhstan (NARBK RK), the Ministries of National Economy of RK, the Ministry of Information and Communication of RK, NPP Atameken of JSC THEM Zerde and JSC NIT.

Residents of data-centers stated to

interest in work in the territory of Kazakhstan. At Kazakhstan, in their opinion, there are real chances to be among the advanced countries on placement of data-processing centers.

the Integral part of modern digital economy becomes the industry of data-centers. The key tendency explaining the forecast, the enormous growth of volume of data and, respectively, a demand in their storage and processing is. The world volume of stored data to 2025 will increase by 10 times, it depends 80% of data - are not sorted and not processed. For processing and analyses of data are required huge computing capacities and the developed technological infrastructure, namely the industry of data-centers and favorable conditions of the energy sector. Such countries as Sweden distinguished long ago this tendency, having become the leading countries in the data processing industry.

Representatives of Boden Business Park and Lulea Business Authority administering data-centers in Boden and Luleo to Sweden, shared experience of construction of this infrastructure with delegation.

the Infrastructure of data-centers and cloud computing in the simplified option consists of modern GPU processors, the cooling system and power sources near objects. Similar data-centers consume a large amount of energy and respectively cost of modern calculations for 40-50% depends on expenses on the electric power and the cooling system. By it Sweden became attractive to the international clients also. In view of huge demand, the industry quickly acquires various clients, from large IT giant to international "mayningovy farms".

Kazakhstan has one of the lowest prices of electricity in the world, possesses rather developed telecommunication infrastructure that gives the chance to build data-centers near electric power sources, allowing to reduce cost of calculations further. But the most important reason of interest from the international companies, is surplus of the electric power in Kazakhstan which makes today about 2000 MWt, at the cost of electric power of 2-3 is cheaper than to Sweden. And also considering that Kazakhstan took a large-scale course on digitalization.

thus experts consider that if in Kazakhstan at legislative level favorable conditions are created, shortly the country will be able fully to realize the energy potential in the new industries instead of export of natural resources. Besides for achievement of these purposes the budgetary money is not necessary.

"Kazakhstan can become the new center of the distributed and cloud computing – already now the international investors address to us. The domestic companies are ready to cooperation, possessing necessary infrastructure and experience also. Among them and Kazakhtelecom. All that now it is necessary, it to provide favorable conditions to fill ours data-centers with the international clients", - the president NARBK RK Dordzhiev Alan considers.

Northern regions Sweden after decline at the beginning of the 2000th because of reduction of army parts and productions became, found the driver of further economic growth. Construction of data-centers and the anchor investor - Social network Facebook appeared them. The social network chose of Luleo as a hub for the data-centers in Europe, thanks to net and inexpensive energy, comfortable conditions from municipality and competent local shots. Opening data-centers Social network Facebook in of Luleo gave to the northern region Sweden 1,5% VRP gain, 4 500 new workplaces, an increase in population in 10 000 people and investments in real estate. The current electricity consumption of 200 MWt and this indicator grows. Besides, after many other companies showed interest to the region and created the projects in data-centers.