In Nakhodka the project of the new big residential district is developed. Kalennik Maxime

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Administration of the city district Nakhodkinsk ordered development of the project of the new big residential district. Under complex building 12 hectares are allocated. Designers should work reconstruction existing and construction of new roads, after all one and a half thousand people become inhabitants of next quarter. The first will start building houses for teachers and doctors.

School on 825 pupils, kindergarten, some sports grounds, small stadium and fifteen houses of different number of storeys. The total area of future housing — 43 thousand square meters. Designers already and a place picked up for the new residential district of Nakhodka.

Kalennik Maxime, journalist: "Nakhodka on a threshold of big updating! Quarter of old barracks of construction of the beginning of the last century entirely goes under demolition — 46 houses. Already soon on their place construction of the new residential district on one and a half thousand people will begin! "

the Map of Nakhodka in this area will significantly change and, most likely, a number of names remains only in human memory and in archival documents. The future of streets Militia, Dobrolyubova, Chapayev and Distant is already defined — on them will pass bulldozers. The house for state employees becomes first signs of the new residential district.

Boris Mikhaylovich Gladkikh, chapter of Administration of the city district Nakhodkinsk: "And here this year, at the request of Tarasenko Andrey, the decision to build the 60-apartment house specially for teachers and doctors is made. I am ready to pay the life that we will execute this decision! Here project! Here the project beautiful, all one-room apartments, approximately on 40 meters in everyone".

In need of the regional budget will help building. To the new house plan to occupy young specialists — inhabitants of Nakhodka — and those who will wish to move to a new residence. Administration of the city district Nakhodkinsk sets a task — to hold the population and to stop its outflow from a seaport.

Boris Mikhaylovich Gladkikh, chapter of Administration of the city district Nakhodkinsk: "My dream that inhabitants of Nakhodka had workplaces and highly paid! To lift a standard of living of people. And then we will stop population outflow".

plan to Build the new residential district in some stages. Provided squares, multilevel parkings and possibility of laying of the gas pipeline. Expect to start big building in two years.
