The leader of the ruling majority in the Narva gorsobraniye Voronov Aleksey told Delfi for that the authorities wait from arrival of the president

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The leader of the ruling majority in the Narva gorsobraniye Alexey Voronov told Delfi for that the authorities wait from arrival of the president
of Foto: To Roman Vikulov, Delfi
From now on the president Estonia Kersti Kalyulayd will work two weeks with

in to Narva that gives the chance to local authorities to pay attention to any problems and tasks in which decision the state can help, make the president the ally. We talked with the leader of the majority ruling in Narva, not centrist, Voronov Aleksey, being the chairman of fraction" Narva — our house", having asked what exactly the Narva authorities with the help of the president will try to advance. The president will meet the Narva deputy corps today in the second half of day.

Last winter Kersti Kalyulayd, having arrived to Narva, proclaimed the city the candidate for a title" Cultural the capitals Europe 2024" that obviously added to it points in fight for it. Probably, Narva is interested in support of the president in achievement of other purposes.

- That members of a gorsobraniye by means of the president will try to advance


- I do not think that she will be told about any private problems — need to repair any street or to construct a playground. And a key global question there is a fight of Narva for a title of the cultural capital Europe. And there are a lot of questions connected with it, in particular — financing from the state if Narva after all receives this title. Estonia already turned facing Narva — both the president comes, and state officials worked as big structure in County of Ida-Virumaa , in Narva in particular, and" the Kremlin nightingales" who collected 24 thousand audience about only Estonia, many of which in general never there was before in Narva, and construction of the theatrical center Vaba Lava . Most of all we count on the help of the president in the image plan, in development a positive image of Narva, Voronov Aleksey speaks.

- Perhaps, after all would be advantage and of showing to the president any private problem in which decision Narva hopes for the help of the state?

is already a question to the mayor, rather. I after all consider that the president has representative functions, and with her it is necessary to say that is in limits of her powers. Wrjad Ueli it will dress, for example, on a promenade which constantly break, or roads. When we communicate with ministers, the prime minister, we speak just about private questions. problems.

- Recently the financier Indrek Neyvelt in the comment of Vikerraadio stated concern concerning image of the Estonian state in the sphere of information technologies and suggested to transfer Estonian IT college to Krengolm's buildings in Narva. Perhaps, it is that big poyekt which realization could be helped we by the president?

is very good idea as everything that is connected with development Narva. Besides there is a plan to construct a sports complex around Yakkekyul. We will speak about it too. Idea of IT college still crude, it should be worked, but we, of course, are interested in that the president became her supporter.

- there are no fears, what the president can enter the conflict to the Narva authorities in three weeks which in total it will spend in the city if something is not pleasant to it, and in general, what visit of the president will bring any problems?

- Fear such is not present. Kersti Kalyulayd — the normal, positive person, it not for the first time in the city and mutual understandings already was possible to reach. If there are any questions and problems, they decide structurally.

- whether there is a risk, what the history with presentation of suspicions to many deputies of a gorsobraniye from outside Kapo can prevent mutual understanding, what this subject will sound in general at meetings of the president with the Narva authorities?

- I do not know, it is necessary to ask her about it.

- As though you advised the president to spend free time in Narva?

- As I can advise the president? I think, she will understand, and it has many advisers. Narva — not such big city to miss something important.

- there is no desire at deputies to organize, for example, an informal dinner and to communicate to the president informally, to get acquainted closer?

- Informal conversation anyway will take place, I think. For a start we have to meet, uznaut, what plans at it, intentions. If madam Kalyyulayd is not against, I think, we will surely suggest it to come to such informal meeting.