PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" acted as the partner of the children's tournament "Leather Ball" in Makhachkala

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Over 500 teams of young fans of soccer fought for the right to be called the best in six age categories from 6 to 16 years

Makhachkala press service, on August 28 - AIF-Dagestan, Gadzhiev Kamil.

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" acted as the partner of the XXI open city tournament among the children's domestic and street teams "Leather Ball" which took place from August 15 to August 25 in Republic of Dagestan.

Action was organized by Municipal state institution "Committee po sportu, turizmu i delam molodezhi" administration city district "Makhachkala" Makhachkala together with MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND YOUTH POLICY OF THE REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN , the ministry of physical culture and sport, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "DAGESTANSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "DGTU" DGTU, DAGESTANSKY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY and PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION DO RD "RDYUSSH". Over 500 teams of young fans of soccer fought for the right to be called the best in six age categories from 6 to 16 years.

the Leather Ball Tournament is the most known and large-scale All-Russian children's and youthful soccer competition, created in 1964 at the initiative of the well-known Soviet goalkeeper Yashin Leo Ivanovich. It is carried out for more than 50 years.

Mutaliev Shamil, the commercial director on work with a mass segment of the Dagestan branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM": "Support of mass sports competitions, both among adults, and among children — a good tradition of companies. Only recently FIFA World Cup games came to the end. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" made a powerful contribution to implementation of the world project. And participation of our branch in the tournament uniting so many Dagestan kids, logical continuation of support of sports in regions".

Ibragimov Marat, chairman of committee on sports, tourism and youth of Makhachkala: "The leather ball", in essence, supports primordially Dagestan family traditions: the adults playing once, bring now children, and someone and grandsons. Such continuity of generations on the basis of a community of interests helps with education of teenagers. Support is traditional also from constant partners. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM", annually supporting republican actions, was connected and to this large-scale sports festival. We together bring up youth, it is the correct message for future generations".

the Tendency of the last years during competitions in Republic of Dagestan became participation in a "man's" sport of maiden teams. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" except gifts to winners and trainers founded a special award for the most young participant of tournament — GPS hours. On the eve of new academic year such "the clever gadget" will help the purposeful girl to combine study and sports, and thus always to be in touch with parents.