In Rubtsovsk decided destiny of partially fallen Aley hotel

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In destiny of the former hotel complex "Aley" appeared definiteness. Dimitri Zayvelevich Feldman chapter : "After coordination with higher instances, Administration office Judicial department in Altai territory is ready to transfer the part of the building back to the municipal possession on a gratuitous basis. "

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: the western wall of east wing together with overlappings from the unexploited building of Aley hotel first on the fourth floor collapsed on the night of June eighth. After incident the condition of the building was attentively studied by "Altaykommunproyekt". From the official conclusion follows that it is possible and capital repairs, and demolition.

Now when "Aley" completely passes into municipal property, its future became more certain. About full demolition of the speech does not go. Dimitri Zayvelevich Feldman told about further plans: "After comprehensive discussion the following idea is stated: the first two floors of hotel Aley, having an integral bricklaying, it is possible to keep. The third and fourth floors laid by means of a well laying, it is necessary to take down. On their place it is offered to build the facilitated glass penthouse. The penthouse will allow to keep Lenin Square review that will be especially actual during carrying out city actions. "

That managed to be realized this project, the city authorities subjects of small, average, large businesses want to invite to participation in it, legal entities of individual entrepreneurs. Conditions will be defined kontsessionno.

the Municipality is ready to cooperation and consideration of any options of interaction. But to this stage it is necessary much paper work.

So what as a result will be new shape of the former hotel complex "Aley" – while difficult to tell. But the main thing that there was a good chance to keep historical shape of the building and the general architectural complex of a central square Rubtsovsk.

Dimitri Zayvelevich Feldman
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Rubtsovsk of the Altai Territory)