Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich. 50 years ago the bard acted in Siberia free of charge

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Later half a century all new and new facts in the history secret is no time open.

He asked: it is not necessary a photo and tape recorders. To it did not listen.

    50 of years back in Krasnoyarsk acted as Uretsky Vladimir Semenovich in the summer. At that time it already was a recognized legend: sang much, played at theater, acted in at film. Actually, therefore it also appeared in taigas - participated in shootings of the detective movie "Owner of a Taiga". However, out of shootings the certain detective was developed. "AIF-Krasnoyarsk" tells about Krasnoyarsk tours of the known actor.

    the Song which Krasnoyarsk citizens did not hear

    watched the actor with a great interest. And it - the real national idol - gave free concerts. However they passed secretly, in strict confidence.

    of Shooting of the movie passed in 1968 in picturesque corners of Krasnoyarsk Territory: near settlements Vyezzhy Ravine and Ust-Mang. Actors arranged concerts and meetings for locals. Having found out that Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich sings for Krasnoyarsk citizens, in settlements gathered from far away - even at total absence Internet information extended those years immediately.

    No wonder that began to invite the actor to give concerts in Krasnoyarsk and Divnogorsk. However meetings should be organized with big privacy. Despite national love, Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich was persona non grata at the authorities, and records of his concerts extended podpolno.

    the actor responded To the invitation to sing before Krasnoyarsk citizens with readiness, having set only two conditions: not to advertize performance and at a concert of any photographers and tape recorders that then excess conversations did not arise.

    that photos from these meetings did not remain also is explained by This

    . However, always there will be people who will risk to carry by a chamber or a dictophone on the most confidential action. the Chief of the 3rd site on construction JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRASNOYARSKAYA GES" Nikolenko N. admitted later that managed not only to take the picture, but also to write down Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich on the tape recorder. But, as usual in such cases, both that and another did not remain in a mystical way.

    Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich on construction of Divnogorsky hydroelectric power station. Photo: the City museum Divnogorsk

    "Was at me one photo. It from me stole. Here the film remained, but after all so many years passed, it "was showered". On that cartridge there was a song one which I anywhere more did not hear then".

    the Poet who felt time


    , despite privacy, passed at improbable gathering of people. In Krasnoyarsk Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich gratuitously addressed actors of local theaters, and also gave concerts for students.

    of one of such concerts became the witnessing vice-mayor Krasnoyarsk Vasilii Kuimov . In 1968 nowadays the Doctor of Economics and professor of SFU was the student of the 5th course of institute of technology.

    "It happened to

    in a hall of the Siberian institute of technology. One night there unexpectedly there was Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich. The message about it extended with velocity of light, to the people the packed house was gathered. People stood in the aisle because chairs did not suffice all. I too listened standing.

    Frankly speaking, I then did not realize value and greatness of this event, simply with great pleasure listened to the actor. Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich submitted each song separately, telling, about what it, background of its creation. And I was struck by words of its songs - they got into the essence, took out soul, it very much touched and surprised. All were impressed with it. The concert lasted only an hour, but it was filled, strong.

    Concerts collected packed houses. From personal archive Edin Eugenie.

    as a whole it was a good tradition of those years - the invitation of singers and actors for performance before students. We saw in the assembly hall of institute of recognized masters, national actors. But me it is remembered how after Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich we could not go home simply. Together with children went to a hostel and for a long time discussed this unusual timbre of a voice with hripottsy and lyrics beating precisely in the purpose.

    Understanding of an event came years later. Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich - the genius who it is thin felt time and very bitingly and originally reflected it in the songs".

    "It I"

    the Small home concert took place and in a workshop of our glorified fellow countryman, the national artist Russian Federation Ryannel Toyvo. Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich sang the songs, and painters managed to make drawing of the actor which it testified the wide signature "It I".

    On memoirs, artists also saw off Uretsky Vladimir Semenovich in the airport late at night. When pilots learned who will be among passengers, they invited Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich in a cabin. It went there together with the guitar and sang to pilots all road to Moscow. Thus, the legendary actor gave the last Krasnoyarsk concert in the sky over our city.

    Later half a century all new and new facts in the history of stay of Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich in our corner of the world open. This year when 80 years from the date of its birth are celebrated, at the initiative of public organization "Barefoot Souls" and its head Engelgardt Roman on Yenisei Embankment at last there has to be a monument to Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich. Its basis become a cartoon self-portrait and lines of the actor:

    the Song without guitar - a capella,
    I the thought without salt is not sharp, I Write
    that boiled,
    A boiled - "All Is kind! "

    Vasilii Kuimov
    Last position: Rector of Krasnoyarsk regional public university "Active longevity"
    Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich
    Uretsky Vladimir Semenovich
    Nikolenko N.
    Edin Eugenie
    JSC Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Plant
    Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water