City chapter Pokrov Oleg Kislyakov visited IK-2 Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Vladimir region

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Chapter of Pokrov Oleg Kislyakov, the chairman of the board of People's Deputies of the city and its deputy Suloeva Lilia visited a corrective colony No. 2. Establishment is within Pokrov and possesses good production potential.

In a corrective standard regime penal colony contain condemned which for the first time got to imprisonment places. Their social rehabilitation by means of familiarizing with work - important making part of process of their re-education. In a colony sewing and woodworking production is developed.

Guests accompanied by the management of establishment examined production sites and examined working conditions of the condemned. In end the joint meeting at which plans of administration of Pokrov to place part of municipal orders in establishment: on production of the equipment of city stadium for sports tribunes and on cleaning of the territory of Pokrov.

Need to note

dynamically develops and actively cooperates with the state and municipal customers. Thus establishments of criminal and executive system offer a number of advantages. Such as production acquisition without carrying out procedures of the auction according to the resolution of Government of the Russian Federation of 26.12.2013 No. 1292.

Such effective cooperation with municipalities will allow correctional facilities to carry out the major social function on re-education condemned and to compensation of the harm done by the victim.