Quantum superiority: in total about Quantum computer

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Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers

In IT developed a prerevolutionary situation though it is aware of the events there is only few interested and narrower circle of experts. And meanwhile this year the event of historical scale is expected: Quantum computer which development proceeds more than three decades, for the first time will be able to carry out the calculations inaccessible to the most powerful supercomputers of traditional silicon architecture. If expectations are met, we will enter an era soon "a quantum superiority". But though the name for this era is thought up long ago that for us in it waits, does not know while anybody.

the Stand Intel COR at the conference which have passed at the beginning of a year of consumer CES electronics in Las Vegas, as usual, was filled by journalists and tekhnobloger. Novelties of the largest producer of microchips are always potentially interesting though in recent years these updatings — there are slightly more than kernels, power consumption there is slightly less — all draw attention of public less often. However this time to the technological giant it was valid than to brag: to visitors showed the quantum Tangle Lake processor capable — let theoretically and only in some tasks — to do that while was on forces only to the best supercomputers.


of Tangle Lake the sizes, a form it is not too allocated against usual production of Intel. But the principles at which it works, are far from on what traditional electronics is constructed. Instead of billion transistors on a new chip there are only 49 elements. And it not semiconductor switches of current, and Kubit ("Kubit"), the elementary cells, capable to work with quantum information. In this case they represent tiny superconducting antennas.

It not the only option to receive

Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers for Quantum computer, but in this case the number is more important than them. 49 not record: to Tangle Lake presentation the company told IBM about work on Quantum computer on 50 Kubit, and the group under the leadership of the Harward physicist made Lukin Mikhail: on it usually establish a level after which it is worth expecting approach of "a quantum superiority".

Advantage of uncertainty

to Use for calculations of behavior of quantum systems not ordinary computers, and other quantum systems which could play a role of the simplified model, Richard Phillips Feynman in 1981 offered. To be fair it should be added that the idea, probably, soared in air: almost in a year before it was stated by the Soviet mathematician Youri Ivanovich Manin. Really, difficulty with which ordinary computers meet when modeling such systems, consists in their most quantum nature, in ineradicable uncertainty of parameters of interacting particles.

Квантовое превосходство: все о квантовых компьютерах

Let's say to us need to be counted

as the atom if we direct on it a photon will lead; for this purpose we need to find out photon polarization. The only way to make it — to carry out measurements, and before polarization remains uncertain: physicists speak about superposition, imposing of possible values. For calculations all options have to be considered separately, and in our example it will take twice more time than if the necessary parameters of polarization were known. Moreover, once you start adding in system other components (some atoms, some photons), and uncertainty should multiply, and complexity of calculations will grow exponential.

the Idea Quantum computer consisted in turning a shortcoming into advantage: to use uncertainty which so complicates usual calculations for calculations. Let's present that you need to pick up the password at which the last two bits are unknown. Here four combinations are possible: 00, 01, 10 and 11. In a classical case each of them needs to be considered separately: to set up him in the right place and to check result. However if the quantum object — for example, two Kubit with polarization superposition becomes a data carrier — that can be checked all four combinations at the same time.

Квантовое превосходство: все о квантовых компьютерах 2. The analog Quantum computer

If the correct combination of possible states Kubit exists, it is possible not to doubt that they will accept also it too. The main thing — to organize interaction between them so that we could read and understand the turned-out answer. Power of Quantum computer consists in exponential growing number of operations which can be made for one step. The system consisting from two Kubit, allows to consider at the same time four options of development events, system from four — 16. After 50 as we remember, there comes "a quantum superiority", and on number of combinations of all possible states Quantum computer from 300 Kubit any more will not suffice atoms in the Universe.

to take this level, to us physical carriers Kubit will be necessary for

. In this role the separate atoms, capable to be in different power states, or defects of crystal structure ("vacancy»), bearing backs of the different direction, or even rather large objects — as those superconductor antennas on which Tangle Lake is constructed can act. Which option becomes the standard in the future, while difficultly to tell. So in due time was with an electric lamp: the physics is clear, but engineering decisions the whole bouquet is offered. Only experiment of application will show advantages, shortcomings and prospects of different systems.

Квантовое превосходство: все о квантовых компьютерах 3. The universal Quantum computer

the Minimum set

However, for creation of the present Quantum computer is required not only a set Kubit, but also channels of their interaction. In the ordinary computer this role is carried out by wires and electric contacts, and in quantum — effect of a complexity. The confused particles have the general quantum parameters: they can be divided physically, but their behavior remains connected, despite of distance. Kubit in Quantum computer are located not too far, however the complexity connects them in uniform, in coordination reacting system.

Besides, to the new computer need to write down and read out information. In principle, this simplest: for input-output it is possible to use radiation, for example laser or microwave, focused on separate Kubit, allowing "to write" and "read" their state. Technically it is quite delicate work which demands expensive equipment, but physicists are able to do it for a long time. Where it is more difficult to fulfill the last requirement: as it is possible to isolate more reliably Kubit from the outside world to hold their complexity during time, sufficient for calculations and data exchange.

Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers

the Last development of group Martinis John in research division of search corporation sets

of Bristlecone of Google Inc.. Kubit are located on a microchip in chessboard order — so that "white" are used for logical operations, and "black" — for controls mistakes.

About that, it is how difficult to keep the quantum nature of big and difficult system, Schrödinger's cat can tell. The plan of this mental experiment is widely known: the animal placed in a box appears at the same time vividly and is dead as his destiny depends on an uncertain condition of a certain particle. Before opening of a box (measurement) parameters of a particle are in superposition of two states, and together with them in superposition there is also a cat. Usually this experiment give as an example of the paradoxical nature of the quantum world, but if to think, he speaks also about other.

of At the same time live and dead cats does not happen just because the cat — is macroscopic object. It consists of many particles which strive to enter all the time interaction with environment and "skollapsirovat", having lost uncertainty and having passed into one of possible states. In the same way and with the computer: than it is more Kubit, that it can be more powerful, but thus everything reminds a shredingerovsky cat it is difficult for them to keep the quantum state more strongly. For this reason Kubit surely place in vacuum chambers, for them create cunning schemes of cooling and develop difficult methods of correction of mistakes.

to Tangle Lake Intel


Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers


Besides number Kubit and uses at the heart of the device of superconducting antennas with Josephson transitions, it is not known of Tangle Lake while anything concrete.



the Inflection point


Now when approximately clearly that in general means under the quantum calculator and what it can have advantages, it becomes clear that Quantum technologies will not replace old kind silicon tomorrow, in the long-term future. However it does not mean at all that all conversations on "a quantum superiority" — the next duck. Yes, some computing tasks which Quantum computer are capable to accelerate are known today. But this acceleration not in 10 and not by 100 times, and is much more — the task, the is more difficult more considerably.


the 50-kubitny Quantum computer from IBM was presented to


Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers the Solution of many such tasks already is required to

allows to crack the most modern codes in seconds, and the algorithm of Fishing of Grover essentially reduces complexity of search in large volumes of data. It is worth to remember and about quantum calculations about which initially spoke Richard Phillips Feynman and Youri Ivanovich Manin. Statistically, they borrow today to 30−40% of computing resources of all of supercomputers. And apparently, this area becomes the first which will feel "a quantum push" from creation of new cars. And it will mean the new materials, the new drugs, new understanding of superconductivity.

19Q Rigetti Computing

Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers

the Main feature of the 19-kubitny chip call

its specialization on Machine training. The system is developed for the solution of problems of a clustering of data, for example at recognition of images.

Cannot doubt that than such examples will be more increasing: the range of practical use of any computer becomes clear only after emergence of algorithms suitable for it which only should be developed. Their creation — area so young that, according to one researcher, "it is possible to write names of all who is engaged in it in the world" on one board. Experts catastrophically do not suffice, especially now when quantum race joins the IT giant, ready to entice employees the whole laboratories.

2000Q D-Wave

Quantum superiority: in total about quantum computers

2000Q contains

2048 Kubit that formally does her by difficult quantum system in the world. However the architecture of D-Wave significantly differs from other devices and is suitable for the decision only very narrow tasks. Many experts doubt that D-Wave approach in general can have any practical prize from use of quantum effects.

Approach of an era of "a quantum superiority" cannot compare

to release of the first personal computer or mobile revolution. Simple consumers will not feel any basic changes at least some more years. But if to speak about the industry, it already changed. Sharp interest to post-quantum Cryptography, creation by such giants as IBM and Microsoft COR, platforms for development of Quantum algorithm, milliard investments — the history of quantum revolution is already written.


by the Company D-Wave declares

To 1990: development quantum mechanics, theoretical works


Geyzenberg Werner formulates the principle of uncertainty.


In the lecture "Physics Modelling on Computers" Richard Phillips Feynman formulates bases of Quantum calculations.


David Eliezer Doych describes system universal Quantum computer for any calculations.

After 1990: practical attempts of creation of Quantum computer. The beginning of active financing researches


Peter Shor opens Quantum algorithm decomposition of integers on the multipliers, allowing to crack modern cryptosystems.


Peter Zoller and Juan Ignacio Zoido Sirak realize the first experimental scheme Quantum computer, having received the logical C-NOT gate.

1997 Kitaev Aleksey creates a reliable method of correction of mistakes at Quantum calculations.

the First dvukhkubitny computers are created at the Oxford university and IBM.<"134>"


Quantum computer IBM carries out successful decomposition of number 15 on Shor's Shor's algorithm.


of IBM are started by the cloudy Quantum Experience service for remote access to the quantum calculator.

Not less than four independent groups report on

2017 .


the Group Martinis John announces Bristlecone — Quantum computer on 72 Kubit with system of correction of mistakes.

David Eliezer Doych
Last position: Physicist-theorist (Oxford university)
Peter Shor
Last position: Teacher of chair of Mathematics (MIT)
Youri Ivanovich Manin
Main activity:Scientist
Juan Ignacio Zoido
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT