Invitation to a press tour

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on August 24, on Friday, from 10:00 till 12:00 o'clock POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA carries out a press tour on the Gornyaksky customs post (G. Gornyak, Mironov St., 97a).

the Press tour is dated by

for Day of educations in POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA services customs controls after release of goods – on August 24, 2018.


Within action for representatives of mass media it will be organized:

- performances of the management of customs authorities about results of work of mobile groups POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA;

- demonstration of work of mobile complexes on the basis of KAMAZ and Ford Transit cars.

ATTENTION: delivery representatives of mass media on action also will be back carried out by motor transport POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA from the station square (Rubtsovsk, Lokomotivnaya St., 15/1). Departure at 08:00 o'clock.

Video and photographing is possible on all objects declared in the program of a press tour.


09-30 – 09:50 Registration of mass media;

10-00 - 11-00 of Performance


- the chief of Siberian Federal District customs administration Kozlov K. R.;


- the head of department customs controls after release of goods POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA Moiseev O. V..

11-00 - 12-00 demonstration of work of mobile complexes on the basis of KAMAZ and Ford Transit cars.

On action need accreditation (a full name, mass media).

of the Reference and accreditation by phone in Barnaul: (3852) 399-028, %2B7 9635178394 (chief state customs public relations inspector POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA Yuzhakova Marina ), e-mail: altai_customs@mail .ru

Reference: For providing a ban and restrictions on import of separate categories of goods in POSELOK ALTAISKOE TAMOZHNYA mobile groups, near the Russian-Kazakhstan border work.

For increase of overall performance of mobile groups and prevention of illegal import to the territory Russian Federation the forbidden goods in 2018 customs are put into operation autonomous mobile complexes on the basis of KAMAZ and Ford Transit cars which are completed with modern technical means – the automated workplaces, by information means of protection, communication, the uninterrupted power supply, operated ip-video cameras of external supervision.


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