The authorities Altai Territory promised to "The Russian skin" in Zarinsk different schemes of the state support

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As the acting as the governor declared to

Altai Territory Victor Petrovich Tomenko, Government regiona will apply different schemes of the state support to involvement of new investors to Zarinsk.

This statement Victor Petrovich Tomenko made

within visit of the tanning enterprise "Russian Skin Altai Territory" under construction in Zarinsk. The investment project worth about 2 billion rubles realizes affiliated division of the Russian groups of companies "The Russian skin". The term of delivery of the new enterprise in Zarinsk - the end of 2018, is told in the message of Administration kraya.

As, in particular, were noted by Victor Petrovich Tomenko, in connection with assignment to Zarinsk the status of the territory of advancing social and economic developments in the city realize perspective investment projects. Company "The Russian skin Altai Territory" which builds the tanning enterprise, is the candidate for receiving the status of the resident of TOSER Zarinsk. The head of the region examined that is already made, and also with further plans, a date of completion of works and enterprise delivery in operation. This meeting will allow to coordinate joint efforts investors, CITY ADMINISTRATION OF ZARINSK OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY, the regional authorities.

"Now on object 70 percent construction readiness. Certain measures of support were studied and accepted that the project took place. The main measure is that the enterprise in a mode of the resident of TOSER will be able to use the whole set of temporary or long-term tax privileges, various contributions, including to off-budget funds will be reduced. Simplification of an order of administration of some administrative processes also gives to the project additional efficiency therefore owners of the enterprise made the decision to work here and to invest here",-* Victor Petrovich Tomenko declared.

He emphasized that from the state many efforts already were undertaken. Fund of monotowns on the solution of infrastructure questions is attracted: more than 50 million rubles are enclosed to road, 640 million preferential credits under 5% per annum are provided to investors. The issue of granting a subsidy from industry Fund - about 100 million rubles is resolved. "I think if everything comes to the end according to the plan (for now investors say that failures are not present and everything goes according to the schedule), enterprise start is by the end of the year possible. The new plant is workplaces for one and a half hundred people, these are investments, this new production at us in Altai Territory", - Victor Petrovich Tomenko noted. The effect from work of the enterprise will be felt by suppliers of raw materials. The skinnery in Zarinsk will buy raw materials not only from the enterprises in Altai Territory, but also in many regions of Siberia.

At the same time with construction of plant continue work on involvement of new residents in TOSER Zarinsk. "Let's apply different schemes of the state support to involvement of new investors", - Victor Petrovich Tomenko emphasized.

Victor Petrovich Tomenko
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Altai Territory)
Government regiona
Government Agency
Administration kraya
Government Agency