Arthur Mikvabiya: "What purpose was as a result? To frighten the journalist?"

@Nuzhnaja gazeta
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In Abkhazia goes one and a half years trial in claim the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Raul Lolua to the journalist Izide Chania. The former prime minister Arthur Mikvabiya (Zaur) Arthur Mikvabiya shared the impressions of this process and gave it an assessment from the point of view of common sense.

Elena Zavodskaya: Zaur Artemovich, it would be desirable that you defined the position to volume to trial which goes in claim Raul Lolua to Izide Chania. From the point of view of human rights and a freedom of speech how this situation is represented to you?

Arthur Mikvabiya: I got acquainted with article which was written by Izida Chania. I am not her lawyer, but I want to tell that actually I there did not see crime structure. It was told that at storm Ministries of Internal Affairs were present the former heads, and even surnames were not called. It should not have been lawsuit therefore here everything is somehow absurd. I actually do not understand the one who gave this claim, those who took it for consideration. Affairs are not present any. The journalist described events which saw, there no far-reaching conclusions are present. In this regard, it seems to me that court was mistaken.

E. H. : And what court means "was mistaken"?

A. M.: that judge who took this claim on consideration Was mistaken. I am sure that further it has to receive that assessment which deserves. The common sense says that there is no business for judicial proceedings. Here that I will tell.

E. H. : From the point of view of a freedom of speech, such precedent when one and a half years drive the journalist on vessels in absolutely pointless claim what at it can be result? It, in general, as influences work of journalists, freedom of expression?

A. M.: In that situation in which we are when "all against all", no wonder, that there are such affairs. Surprisingly simply from the point of view of reason. I do not understand, what purpose was as a result? To frighten the journalist? But Chania is not similar to that who can be frightened, in my opinion. It seems to me that this business is time to finish and not to come back already any more to this subject which is not present in general.

E. H. : As, in your opinion, it has to be made and whom?

A. M.: Well, probably, higher bodies. I mean, Presidium, the Supreme court, still someone, most likely, so. I repeat: there is no business is formal, upon. Such phenomena not that do not decorate, they bring turmoil in social and civil life. It is not good.

E. H. : you were prime minister at that time when there was a storm of the building Ministries of Internal Affairs, it would be desirable to hear your opinion on this event. That publication of Izida Chania about which there is a speech, was dictated by shock from hours-long storm of the building Ministries of Internal Affairs which journalists observed. After storm all were impressed when 19 police officers protecting the building Ministries of Internal Affairs, suffered …

A. M.: It was the states illegal and very dangerous to existence action. There after all not only Ministries of Internal Affairs, there are located a number of intelligence service. And God forbid, if they rushed into the building what would be farther? It is fraught, and it could lead to unpredictable consequences, especially, in view of that at us there is a lot of small arms on hands, it could lead to rather serious internal collisions. Therefore the appeal to storm, in my opinion, was irresponsible.

E. H. : Usually journalists have problems with officials, with authorities. The opposition as far as it was earlier, maintained the normal relations with journalists, and such problems did not arise. In this case, the person who positions itself as the politician, carries out such massive pressure upon the journalist only because decided that her publication contains a certain hint on criticism in its address. How you estimate it?

A. M.: our opposition is the former power. And all know that in power one thousand shortcomings about which it is possible to tell therefore they with mistrust belong to the press. As though in advance, suddenly will come to the power that journalists were silent. It is wrong. Certainly, mass media should be supported, but not meaning that to dictate them conditions and what to speak, and to support that they could function normally. Normally to function, so on - to mine, including, and to give estimates.

13.08.2018. "Echo of the Caucasus"