Officials Republic of Kalmykia met in inhabitants Yusta district

@RIA Kalmykija
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Yusta district with working visit visited On the Ninth of August the chairman of the National Hural of RK Kozachko Anatoly, the minister Household management company and power engineering specialists of RK Nelly Tkacheva and the Minister of Health of RK Kyukenov Youri. Within visit passed meeting in which heads of establishments and the enterprises Tsagan of Aman, heads of SMO, chairmen of SPK took part.

Today the main problem of the area – water supply. The minister Nelly Tkacheva . "This year for the first time state programs are developed till 2024, – she noted in the performance. – Water supply remains the priority direction till 2024. The main part of expenses on implementation of the regional three-year project on water supply will lay down on federal and republican budgets. This year it is planned to start its realization, building of object on the Volga River will manage in 60 million rubles".

the Realization of this project will be enabled by

, according to the minister, in parallel with the project Ministry Selskoye farms Republic of Kalmykia on to replacement of parting shabby water supply systems. After end of the three-year project the issue with water supply of other settlements will be resolved. Task of administration of RMO for today – to prepare necessary design and budget documentation. The minister also told about start of the federal target program connected with ecology of Volga.

Nelly Tkacheva informed and on activities of the regional operator for the address with the solid household waste (SHW). It was noted that heads of SMO have to get into this gear actively. Representatives of a regoperator travel at present over all villages for definition of the schedule of garbage removal. The minister reported that the first platform on collecting garbage will be constructed in the district. By words Nelly Tkacheva , to heads of SMO it is necessary to carry out work with inhabitants of settlements. Since January first, 2019 SMO will have the new powers connected with construction of container platforms for collecting TBO. Containerless collecting garbage will be carried out on certain days.

were Told by the minister about implementation of the program of overhaul of a hazardous dwelling. It is known that the program was prolonged till 2020, but since 2018 numerous changes start working. In the republic the program is created, the minister, in the register of the houses which are subject to overhaul noted, for January first, 2017 nine apartment houses Yusta district entered. The question of inclusion of four more houses is considered.

Kikenov Youri at meeting noted that it is its first visit to the area as the Minister of Health. It expressed readiness of Regionalny Minzdrav to give support to area establishments. In particular, the question on retraining of personnel at the expense of means of Ministry of Health will be taken on control. Also Kikenov Youri reminded that next year construction of the new standard building in Tatale will begin. Besides, shortly to RMO settlements where live less than 100 people, mobile FAP will be directed. The profile minister in conversation reported that Republic of Kalmykia from 2019 to 2024 will be directed on strengthening of health system of 9 billion rubles. Concerning deficiency of average medical staff the minister reminded of need of the conclusion of tripartite contracts with students of medical college Republic of Kalmykia.

the Results of visit summed up of Kozachko Anatoly. He noted that it was pleasant to see how in Bergin there is a realization at once several social projects: the office of the general practitioner is constructed, overhaul of rural Recreation center, sporting venues comes to the end, agricultural production develops. "It is a good tendency. On the terms of joint financing many issues are resolved. There is repair cultural institutions, construction of standard buildings FAPOV in Tatale and Baruna is planned, were noted by the speaker. – In the area 200 farmers work. The motivation has to be social and economic. The republic through Ministry Selskoye farms Republic of Kalmykia from means federal budgets receives on support of agricultural producers nearly one billion rubles, from means republican budgets of 200 million rubles. It is essential support. It is necessary to be connected also actively to the melioration program".

Ochirov Youri in turn noted importance of similar working visits. Many issues cannot be resolved quickly, on it are necessary both time, and finance. All questions connected with social by economic development of the area, are on continuous control the managements.

Nelly Tkacheva
Main activity:Official
Youri Saryaevich Ochirov
Last position: Head (Administration of the Yustinsky district municipal unit of the Republic of Kalmykia)
Youri Kikenov
Main activity:Official
Anatoly Kozachko
Last position: Chairman (National Khural of the Republic of Kalmykia)
Kyukenov Youri