The Chinese Province of Jilin intends to expand cooperation with Primorsky Territory

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Foreign partners from the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area which is a part of the province Province of Jilin, are interested in development interactions with Primorsky Territory. Representatives of the district shared the plans for expansion of communications and implementation of joint projects with chapter Primorsky Territory Andrey Tarasenko, transfers DV — ROSS.

As the head of the delegation – the member of standing committee of Communist Party of China noted provinces Province of Jilin, the first secretary of PDA committee of the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area Chzhiin Tszyan, today, thanks to close attention President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the leader China Xi Jinping, the relations between the countries develop very actively. In turn, the leaders of the province Province of Jilin make big efforts for advance of interregional cooperation with border territories Russian Federation, in particular – with Primorsky Territory. In 2011 the agreement on friendship between Vladivostok and the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area is concluded. Most actively the parties interact in the sphere of tourism and humanitarian exchanges. Today the Chinese partners also connect big prospects with expansion of trade contacts and logistics spheres.

"Last year the trade turnover China and Russian Federation made 84 billion dollars and following the results of six months of this year barter volume already increased by 30%, according to forecasts, in the end of the year it will reach 100 billion dollars. Volume trades Yanbian districts with Primorsky Territory – 2,6 billion dollars", – was reported by Chzhiin Tszyan.

He added that in total amount of commodity turnover Russian Federation and China is small figure, however between territories are open sea and railway communication is a good base for creation of a zone cross-border trades.
Andrey Tarasenko noted that the particular interest for Primorsky Territory represents today construction together with the Chinese partners of port in the Slav which will provide transit of grain and other freights from Asia to Europe through the Northern Sea Route. "Are ready to make together with you such port, and it would be desirable to learn, whether there is at you a cargo base for creation of joint port infrastructure? " – the head of the region took an interest.

according to the Chinese party, Province of Jilin and, including, the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area can provide delivery a large number of freights to the seaside port. Now the territory carries out transit of goods through Dalian port , however the Slav for partners – is much closer, so, cargo transportation will be more economic.
Also among perspective and especially significant joint logistic projects – construction international transport corridors "Primorye-2". By words Chzhiin Tszyan Chzhiina, Yanbian district, possessing a set of preferential mechanisms for developments the industries and being gate to the province Province of Jilin, it is ready to use the best efforts for the fastest opening of this corridor.
Andrey Tarasenko emphasized that at Primorsky Territory and provinces Province of Jilin is some similar fig. For example, both territories are engaged in production of mountain ore and development agriculture. Creation of coproductions in these spheres can be very successful. Besides, in the province the automotive industry is well developed. Partners could open assembly of cars and equipment in Primorsky Territory.
Chzhiin Tszyan noted that the edges of branch listed by the head – fundamental provinces in economy. For example, in Chanchuna the plant which only last year let out more than 3 million cars functions. In Primorsky Territory there is a huge demand for cars therefore creation of joint venture in the region would be very perspective.

did Not less develop in Province of Jilin agro-industrial sector. The largest in Asia the enterprise for production beef which annually grows up some hundred thousands of cows. Also there are production plants pork. However the earth therefore businessmen look for partners, including in Primorsky Territory is necessary for the Chinese party for developments it businesses.
Besides, Chzhiin Tszyan supported idea of creation of joint ventures on production of ore and non-ferrous metals and noted that in structure of the delegation which has arrived to Primorsky Territory, entered including representatives of companies, taken in this sphere. During stay in edge they will study possibilities of the region in the field. we Will note br, also among the ideas sounded at a meeting – creation of plant on cultivation of a sturgeon in Primorsky Territory.
In end of a meeting of the party agreed in details to work the designated projects and to consider possibility of the conclusion of agreements on their realization already to the fourth East economic forum which will take place in Primorsky Territory in September of this year.

the Yanbyan-Koreysky Autonomous Area (YKAA) – an autonomous administrative unit as a part of the province Province of Jilin China, is founded in 1952. The territory of the district exceeds 42 thousand square kilometers, the capital is located in the city of Yanji. Also Hunchun, Tumen, Lunjing. In the east the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area borders by br on Primorsky Territory, since 2011 Vladivostok is the sworn brother.

Today Yanbyan-the Korean autonomous area is recognized as one of the most dynamically developing territories Northeast China. In the district the Hunchunsky border economic area of cooperation functions.
Ivanova Darya

Andrey Tarasenko
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Chzhiin Tszyan
Ivanova Darya