From Prezident of Romania demand apologies for words about gendarmes

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Klaus Werner Yokhannis demanded apologies for words about gendarmes From the Romanian president. It was made ruling in Romania by Social Democratic Party.

Yokhannis condemned gendarmerie actions during dispersal of Friday antigovernmental demonstration. Social democrats consider that actions of gendarmerie were absolutely lawful. Citizens have a right for peace demonstrations, but they against aggressive actions which are supported with such statements, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS" .

Yokhannis also demanded

that the Minister of Internal Affairs Dan Carmen assumed responsibility for disorders during protest action and submitted the detailed report on how power bodies worked. Actions of gendarmes he called inexplicable – it was necessary to isolate provokers simply.

knew Of an action in June, Yokhannis added, security officers had enough time to be prepared, transfers information agency "RIA Novosti"
