Inhabitants of Volgograd invite to participate in competition slogans

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in Gorky library.

Inhabitants of Volgograd invite to participate in competition of slogans Library of M. Gorky announced competition slogans under the name "It Is More, than Only Books". Competitive works have to reflect the motto or mission of the main library of the region and to call inhabitants of Volgograd for its visit. Participants competitions can all inhabitants Volgograd become more senior than 14 years, winners will award with letters of thanks and memorable prizes.

Reception of works on competition will begin

on August 13 and will last till November 5, 2018, to participation are accepted both individual, and collective demands. The main condition competitions – slogans have to be capacious, laconic, harmonious, easily memorable. They have to bear an appeal to library visit, reflect its mission. Thus slogan volume in prose should not exceed six words, or four poetic lines.

of the Photo: Ministry of culture of Volgograd region