MTT builds the first IoT-network of companies in Samara

@Volga N'jus
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JSC "MTT", federal provider of intellectual decisions for businesses, started expansion of the first LoRaWAN-network in Samara for the partner — LLC "TELECOM SAMARA". The project is calculated on B2B-audience, and company "the Telecom Samara" intends to use possibilities of the MTT network for providing IoT-services to private enterprises on the basis of the connected devices (sensors).

the MTT network is developed by

of LoRaWAN within the tripartite agreement between MTT, company "the Telecom Samara" (operates a program platform, provides ON and client service) and group of companies Inoventica (provides TsOD capacities for data storage from sensors, resources of transport networks and the decision on protection against DDoS-attacks).

as base stations of a LoRaWAN-network test stations of the largest producers, leaders of the market of IoT-solutions which allow MTT to construct a reliable basic network for data collection and connection of any sensors, and not just metering devices — waters, electricity and gas. The created network and program platform have to be open for connection of the widest line of vendors and devices to provide favorable tariffs and products for consumers. the Program cover for data collection of sensors the Kazan developer — company provides to br "Energotekhaudit".

"For MTT" Internet of things" — this one of the most perspective and strategically significant directions of business companies. We decided to concentrate on technologies LoRaWAN as it allows to approach flexibly to architecture of a created network and quickly enough to scale the decision in a case when the partner wants to increase sharply number of sensors or their type — the director of BE "Interoperator Interaction" Azhigirov Andrey notes. — The first "pilot" segment of a network in Samara will just give the chance to us to test all nuances of start of projects with use of this technologies".

"Inoventica in many innovative projects acted as the infrastructure partner of MTT. We hope that the next initiative of the largest Russian communications operator will be successful. We in return will make for this purpose every effort" — director general tells Inoventica Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slizen.

After completion of construction of the MTT network and the testing period, "the Telecom Samara" plans to expand a range of the connected devices — sensors of flooding, pressure, temperature, heat, etc. Connection of sensors for harmful and dangerous service conditions that will allow to offer service in data collection not only city consumers, but also the large industrial companies and to bodies in the sphere of technical supervision is thus planned.