Lot of sequence of placement of names and emblems of parties in a voting bulletin on the regional district took place

@NIA Bajkal
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Irkutsk Region, NIA-Baikal — Today, on August 6, took place lot of sequence of placement of names and emblems of parties in the ballot for vote on the regional district on elections of deputies Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region the third convocation. Let's remind, all regional lists of candidates from seven parties are registered.
According to an order of carrying out lot, representatives of parties pulled a lot in turn which was defined date and time of registration of their list by regional election committee. As a result of last lot, at the first number in the bulletin there will be Regional branch office in Irkutsk oblast Parties "Grazhdanskaya Platforma"; regional branch office in Irkutsk oblast Software "Grazhdanskaya Platforma", under the second — IRKUTSK CITY OBLASTNOYE BRANCH KPRF, the third — Regional branch office FAIR parties Russia in of the Irkutsk region, the fourth — Communist Party of Social Justice, the fifth — REGIONAL BRANCH OFFICE PARTIES "RODINA" V OF THE IRKUTSK REGION, the sixth — Irkutsk regional branch office LDPR — Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, at the seventh number — Irkutsk Ryazan regional branch office Parties "Yedinaya Russia".
Such sequence of parties in selective documentation will remain until the end of this campaign, the regional election committee press service reports.